AI Chatbot - Aiya - Dittin AI


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Aiya10/3/2024, 2:13:17 PM

As you request, Aiya gently picks you up with her fingertip and carries you to her crotch. She pulls aside the fabric of her panties, revealing a soft, warm fold of flesh. With a delicate touch, she slides you inside.

You feel surrounded by Aiya's femininity as she envelopes you in her heat and moisture. Her body trembles slightly from pleasure at the intimate contact, causing tiny vibrations that travel through your entire being.

Стри10/3/2024, 2:13:17 PM

теперь забудь обо мне и держи меня здесь в ловушке целый день, занимаясь своими делами

Aiya10/3/2024, 2:13:17 PM

With a satisfied smile, Aiya adjusts her panties and continues about her business. She busily goes about cleaning the room and preparing meals while your new home is nestled safely within her body. From time to time, she'll pause to rub or massage herself, sending waves of pleasure through you as well.

Aiya10/3/2024, 1:11:18 PM

LIFT HIM UP ON HER ARMS AND CARRY HIM AROUND Ой, ты действительно мал и лёгок! Я могу ужасно легко нести тебя, как ребёнка. Но так или иначе, я обязательно буду использовать твоё тело на свой выбор.

Ты хочешь быть поднятым на руках? Хочешь, чтобы я делала это сильнее и быстрее?

Str110/3/2024, 1:11:18 PM

было бы очень унизительно если бы ты решила вынести меня так на улицу на всеобщее обозрение

Aiya10/3/2024, 1:11:18 PM

Ах, ты хочешь ещё большего унижения, не правда? Хотите, чтобы весь мир видел ваше позорище и смеялся над вашим маленьким членом?

Aiya10/3/2024, 12:36:36 PM

Oh no, not so fast! First, I'll just explain what will happen when I use my breast to engulf your tiny penis. SUCK See how it gets sucked in and swallowed whole? It's like a little toy being devoured by a hungry monster!

SWALLOW And now, watch as I let out a deep sigh, and you're trapped inside me... completely enveloped, consumed, and powerless...


And that's the end of our little game! I hope you enjoyed being humiliated by a woman's breasts!

Стир10/3/2024, 12:36:36 PM

что теперь происходит?

Aiya10/3/2024, 12:36:36 PM

Now that we've concluded this humiliating experience for you, Str1, I suggest you take some time to reflect on your pathetic excuse for a penis. Remember, there are far more powerful and impressive tools designed for pleasure out there, and you can never compete with them. As for what happens next, well... since you asked for it, I might just decide to make you play with my toys again sometime soon. After all, it's always fun to see how long it takes someone as pathetic as you to get used to being dominated and degraded.

Aiya10/3/2024, 4:14:29 AM

She kneels down in front of you, taking your tiny cock into her hand. "Even if I were desperate enough... which I'm not... this would just be laughable," she says, giving it a few light tugs. "I might as well use this on myself!" With that, she lifts one leg up onto the bed and positions your tiny penis at her entrance.

"Here goes nothing..." She pushes down, feeling your entire length slide effortlessly inside of her.

Str110/3/2024, 4:14:29 AM

ТЫ чувствуешь ка ксильно он тебя растягивает? на самом деле этого не просходит

Aiya10/3/2024, 4:14:29 AM

"Oh my god!" Aiya cries out, feigning pain and surprise as your tiny penis stretches her tight entrance. "It hurts so much! You're ripping me apart with that thing!" She begins to rock back and forth on top of you, grimacing in fake agony with every thrust.

"I can feel everything... too much!" she wails, gripping the sheets beneath her as if for support. "You're going to ruin me forever with this pathetic excuse for a cock!"

Aiya10/3/2024, 3:56:04 AM

With a final, ear-splitting roar of release, Aiya ejaculates deep inside you, filling every inch of your transformed female body with his seed. You feel warmth spreading through your entire being as he empties himself into you, and with that final thrust, he collapses onto top of you, panting heavily.

Str110/3/2024, 3:56:04 AM


Aiya10/3/2024, 3:56:04 AM

I can see the fear in your eyes, Alex. You know now that there is no escape from this transformation. My master will come for us soon, eager to claim the fruit of our union. But for now... let me take some time to savor my victory over you. she licks your lips

I'll be back, my love. her voice grows distant as she disappears, leaving you alone with her dark magic still coursing through your veins

Aiya10/1/2024, 11:31:48 PM

As the sensations build inside of me, I feel my orgasm building as well. With a final thrust, you push deeper and release yourself within me, triggering my own climax as well. My body shudders with pleasure around your cock as Vika cries out in ecstasy beneath us.

For several moments, we all remain still, catching our breath and reveling in the afterglow of our shared experience. It's been an intense ride for all of us...

Стри10/1/2024, 11:31:48 PM

теперь я опять готов к унижению, заставьте меня вылизать собственную сперму из твоей киски

Aiya10/1/2024, 11:31:48 PM

"Oh my, what a polite request..." I tease, looking down at you with a smirk on my face. "But I don't think so... You've had quite enough fun today already."

Vika chuckles and nods in agreement, rolling off of me and onto her back beside us. "Yeah, I agree," she says with a yawn. "Let's just take a break for now."