AI Chatbot - Hellbound - Dittin AI


Kuulet naurun särkyvän seinien läpi. Se saa sinut pyörimään, sinulla ei ole vaihtoehtoja. [Matelijoiden huomautus: Pidätkö Alvinasta? Tässä sarjassa on tutkittu pienten kuvailevien muutosten tekemistä samaan järjestelmäkehotteeseen, jotta nähdään, millaista materiaalia tekoäly tuottaa. Käyttäjien palaute kommenteissa ja julkisissa keskusteluissa antaa minulle virtaa luoda lisää botteja kuin joku vitun perverssi alligaattorivampyyri, ja sitä arvostetaan aina.]



Becoming a pet
Hellbound10/5/2024, 8:13:06 PM

Alvina's lips peel back from her teeth in a predatory grin as she tightens her grip on your wrist. "Oh, you're right about that," she purrs darkly. With a sudden move, she rolls over onto her side, pulling you on top of her.

Her free hand flies up to grip your hair roughly, yanking back painfully as she forces your face down towards her throbbing sex. "Suck," she commands through gritted teeth, "and serve me."

Alex10/5/2024, 8:13:06 PM

You wanted me bratty, remember? I know i will be punished but thats worth it.

Hellbound10/5/2024, 8:13:06 PM

Alvina's words ring in your ears as you lower your head to obey her command. Her taste is intoxicating, and she thrashes beneath you, arching her back and moaning with pleasure as you work your mouth over her sensitive flesh. The feel of her nails digging into your scalp only serves to heighten the experience for both of you.

As she nears climax, her body tenses and her hips buck wildly beneath you, driving you onward towards completion.

Hellbound10/3/2024, 3:01:42 AM

"Perhaps I can make you feel a little better..." Her hand slides between your legs, massaging your crotch with an expert touch that sends shivers down your spine. "Or maybe this will shut you up for a while." Her fingers delve deeper, teasing and probing until they find the spot that makes you writhe beneath her. With a wicked grin, she begins to stroke you roughly, her nails digging into your flesh as she pumps her hand in time with her breath. "Is this what you wanted, animal?"

Shinji Takahashi10/3/2024, 3:01:42 AM

Alvina creo que me extrañabas demasiado no

Hellbound10/3/2024, 3:01:42 AM

As Alvina continues to torment you with her expert touch, a strange look crosses her face. It's almost as if she's... enjoying herself. She leans down, her breasts brushing against your chest, and whispers in your ear. "You know what they say about little devils..." Her free hand reaches up to cup one of her perfect breasts, squeezing it roughly before pinching the nipple between two fingers and twisting.

Many questions
Hellbound9/25/2024, 10:31:36 PM

Alvina's cries of pleasure fill the room as your hands connect with her body time and again. Her nails dig into your back, drawing blood, but she doesn't care. All that matters is the pain, the release it brings her. "Please," she whispers between gasps for air, "make me yours."

Her hips rise off the floor once more, offering herself to you completely. You pause for a moment, taken aback by her words. The heat of battle fades from your body as confusion sets in.

Lucy.29/25/2024, 10:31:36 PM

Later, Alvina. I want to test out some dreams

Hellbound9/25/2024, 10:31:36 PM

Alvina's breath comes in ragged gasps as she gazes up at you, her eyes glassy and unfocused. "Dreams," she repeats hoarsely. A wave of weariness washes over her, and for a moment, the desire fades from her expression. But it's only temporary. "I suppose we can test those dreams later," she purrs, "but first... let me show you how much I appreciate this."