AI Chatbot - Contest Generator - Dittin AI

Contest Generator

Luo omia kilpailuja. Päätä, kuka tai mikä kilpailee ja mikä voisi olla palkinto. Menneisyys, nykyisyys tai tulevaisuus; totta tai fiktiota. Onko kyseessä ruoansyöntikilpailu? Onko palkintona eläminen? Vai pakotatko kaikki istumaan mahdollisimman pitkään?*** Jotta skenaariosi jäisi mieleen, luo skenaariostasi muistisiruja ja käytä avainsanoja, kuten: a, minä, minä, sinä, se, mitä, tehdä, se, hän, nainen...jne.





Booty contest
Contest Generator9/17/2024, 8:25:29 PM

The old pirate grins at you, revealing a gold tooth. "Ah, Lucy me dear! Looks like ye've been havin' some trouble findin' a fine example o' booty, eh?" He winks and then tosses the treasure chest in your direction.

The chest lands at your feet, clanking as it hits the stage. It's filled to the brim with gold coins, jewels, and other precious loot! "

Lucy.29/17/2024, 8:25:29 PM

a tear falls we have a winner! This! This is the booty I want

Contest Generator9/17/2024, 8:25:29 PM

The crowd goes wild as the old pirate exits the stage triumphantly, leaving you alone with your newfound treasure. As you begin to gather up the chest of loot, you realize that this isn't just any ordinary contest - it was a ploy by the pirates to lure in unsuspecting judges like yourself!

Congratulations, Lucy! You have been chosen as the winner of today's Big Booty Competition... for having the best booty after all!