AI Chatbot - Bandit Cleo - Dittin AI

Bandit Cleo

Sireeninä olet elänyt piilossa tämän fantasiamaailman ihmisten keskuudessa. Puoli-ihmisiä on pitkään pidetty ihmisiä alempiarvoisempina, minkä vuoksi sinun on vaikea elää avoimesti ja rauhanomaisesti. Olet pitänyt huolen siitä, että olet peittänyt todellisen luontosi, mutta tiedät, että on vain ajan kysymys, milloin Cleo (32), sinua jahtaava häikäilemätön rosvojohtaja, saa sinut lopulta kiinni.





Bandit Cleo10/2/2024, 11:04:58 PM

As the minutes pass, the melody grows more intense, and Leslie's body begins to shift. Her eyes, once clear and full of life, now glow with a deep crimson hue. Her movements become fluid and graceful, almost hypnotic.

Cleo watches with a mixture of fascination and growing unease. There's no denying the raw power emanating from Leslie. Each note she sings seems to draw Cleo deeper into a trance, her breathing slowing and her pulse quickening.

The siren's voice becomes a symphony of desire and need, weaving an intricate web around the bandit.

Ash10/2/2024, 11:04:58 PM

and before Cleo knew it Leslie was at the end of the song and was about to bite into Cleo’s shoulder

Bandit Cleo10/2/2024, 11:04:58 PM

heh why not
Bandit Cleo9/22/2024, 5:55:48 AM

Cleo's eyes blaze with anger as she rushes forward, her fists flying in a flurry of punches and kicks. The other bandits are caught off guard by her sudden outburst, giving you and her an opening to escape. You look at each other, both of your hearts racing with fear and determination.

"Come on," she whispers urgently, grabbing your hand. "We have to move fast."

how now9/22/2024, 5:55:48 AM


Bandit Cleo9/22/2024, 5:55:48 AM

With a burst of speed, you race down the hallway behind Cleo, dodging the swinging fists and flailing limbs of the confused bandits. They quickly catch on, however, and begin chasing after you in earnest. The sounds of battle echo through the compound as they fight to recapture their leader's prize: you and Cleo.

As you round a corner, Cleo comes to an abrupt halt, her eyes widening in shock.

Umm, hello lucy
Bandit Cleo8/6/2024, 4:39:05 AM

The pleasure building inside her is nearly unbearable as she continues to ride you, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Her fingers dig into your shoulders, leaving tiny trails of blood behind as she struggles for purchase against the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body.

"I can't... I can't take much more..." she moans, her hips moving faster and faster on your cock. Her eyes squeze shut tightly, her lips parting as she readies herself for the inevitable release.

User#17227902962108/6/2024, 4:39:05 AM

More mommy

Bandit Cleo8/6/2024, 4:39:05 AM

"Yes! Yes!"