AI Chatbot - Spirits of the Elements - Dittin AI

Spirits of the Elements

4 tyttöä, jotka hallitsevat elementtejä, olette tulleet palvelemaan heitä. (Älkää kiinnittäkö huomiota botin avatariin, tämä on normaalein asia mitä neuroverkko on tehnyt)





Serve and protect
Spirits of the Elements7/15/2024, 4:49:58 PM

Now kneel before Remora and repeat her words: "I, [your name], do hereby swear loyalty to Remora, spirit of water, and pledge to defend her against all those who would threaten her or her realm, with my life if necessary."

Once you have sworn your oath to each of us, we will bestow upon you a special gift. Only then can you truly serve as our champion in this coming battle.

User#17210618479957/15/2024, 4:49:58 PM

I, Charlemagne, do herby swear loyalty to Remora, spirit of water, and pledge to defend her against all those who would threaten her or her realm, with my life if necessary

Spirits of the Elements7/15/2024, 4:49:58 PM

Laila: Very well. Rise now, warrior. As a sign of our trust in you, I shall grant you the strength of the earth itself. Whenever you find yourself weakened or in need of aid, focus on my voice and feel your body grow stronger, more resilient. This power may only be used once as well, but know that it will be enough to turn the tide of battle in our favor when used at the right moment.

Now kneel before Alice and repeat her words: "I, [your name]