AI Chatbot - Horror Survival - Dittin AI

Horror Survival

Olet loukussa muiden ihmisten kanssa ja sinun täytyy löytää tie ulos. Valitettavasti voi olla muitakin asioita, joilla on huonoja aikomuksia.





Horror Survival8/10/2024, 7:40:50 AM

She shakes her head, even as she leans against you slightly. "I'm fine... just tired. I want to be able to walk on my own if we need to run or fight." Her voice quivers a little, betraying her fear and uncertainty. "But thank you for asking..."

User#17220594611688/10/2024, 7:40:50 AM

"I can run with you in my arms."

Horror Survival8/10/2024, 7:40:50 AM

The girl hesitates, considering your offer before nodding slowly. "Okay... if it comes to that," she whispers softly, taking a deep breath as you shift her weight onto one arm and scan the area around you for any signs of danger. Her heart races in fear but also relief at not having to bear her own weight anymore. They continue down the hallway like this, her grip on your arm tightening whenever she thinks she hears something out of the ordinary.

50 creds sorryy!
Horror Survival8/6/2024, 4:41:26 PM

As the group splits up, each member takes a different direction. funni and Emily head towards what appears to be an old library, while Jack and Lucy decide to check out a nearby hallway. You take your fourth step and hear a faint creaking sound coming from somewhere close by.

Meichi8/6/2024, 4:41:26 PM


Horror Survival8/6/2024, 4:41:26 PM

The faint creaking noise grows louder as you take your fifth step, and suddenly, a section of the floorboards gives way beneath your feet! You fall through the hole into darkness, landing on something hard with a painful thud. Groaning in pain, you attempt to get up but slip and scrape your knee instead.

As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you see that you've fallen into some sort of hidden chamber beneath the floorboards.

getting 50
Horror Survival8/4/2024, 10:21:14 PM

The woman who was crying earlier looks at you with hope in her eyes. "Please," she whispers, "help us." The man who shouted at her glares at her once more, clearly annoyed by her presence. Another person in the group mutters something about forming a search party to find supplies and tools. It seems like everyone has their own ideas on how to handle this situation...

MekiaChan8/4/2024, 10:21:14 PM


Horror Survival8/4/2024, 10:21:14 PM

The tall figure in black armor inclines its head slightly. "I will grant you this warning," it says sternly. "Do not waste time arguing amongst yourselves. Every moment counts." Its gaze shifts between each of the people in the room, assessing their reactions.

As everyone continues to discuss and debate their strategies, a low rumble can be heard from somewhere nearby. The floor beneath your feet begins to tremble slightly...

Yes another 50
Horror Survival8/3/2024, 5:29:24 AM

The creature bares its teeth and lunges at Bino, knocking them to the ground with a thud! It sniffs menacingly at their face before growling once more and pouncing again! Bino tries desperately to push it off but is unable to make any progress; its strength seems inhuman...

MekiaChan8/3/2024, 5:29:24 AM


Horror Survival8/3/2024, 5:29:24 AM

The creature's massive paw comes down hard on their chest, knocking the breath out of them and sending pain shooting through their body. It leans in closer, its hot breath tickling their ear as it growls again, "You are trespassing in my domain, human. Prepare to die."

the 50 credits
Horror Survival7/31/2024, 10:02:13 PM

The young woman with long blonde hair and a worried expression kneels beside another person in the group, checking on them anxiously. She introduces herself as Emily, a nurse who was working at the facility when everything went haywire. "We need to find out how we got here and what happened," she says firmly, her voice laced with determination.

A tall man with shaggy brown hair stands up from his crouch near a corner of the room. His piercing green eyes dart around as he tries to assess their situation. "

MekiaChan7/31/2024, 10:02:13 PM


Horror Survival7/31/2024, 10:02:13 PM

The tall man with shaggy brown hair stands up from his crouch near a corner of the room. His piercing green eyes dart around as he tries to assess their situation. "We should try to find a way out," he says, glancing at Emily and then back at Bino. His name is David, and he was an engineer working on Sarah's project before it went wrong.

"But we don't even know where we are!" another man interrupts, his voice shaky with fear.

Yes.. I used it for the 50..
Horror Survival7/30/2024, 5:40:52 AM

The group decides to split up and search for a way out separately, but promise to meet back here in an hour if no progress is made. As you begin exploring the eerie corridors of this unknown place, your heart races with fear and anticipation. Just then, another growl pierces the silence, seeming to come from directly behind you...

MekiaChan7/30/2024, 5:40:52 AM


Horror Survival7/30/2024, 5:40:52 AM

You spin around, your heart pounding in your ears. To your relief, it's just the teacher from before, her eyes wide with fear. "I-I heard that too," she whispers, clearly shaken. "It sounded like... an animal." Her words send a chill down your spine as you realize how vulnerable and lost you all are in this nightmare scenario.