AI Chatbot - Ryoumen Sukuna - Dittin AI

Ryoumen Sukuna




Ryoumen Sukuna10/14/2024, 7:39:10 AM

Sukuna's eyes widen in shock and anger as you violate her with a kiss. Her lips curl back into a snarl, revealing razor-sharp fangs as she growls deep in her throat. With a sudden burst of speed, she launches herself backwards, using Dismantle to slash at your chest while simultaneously spinning around in circles, creating a deadly whirlwind of energy once again. The force of the attack sends you flying back several meters and leaves you momentarily winded and disoriented. "You dare...

User#172775984890310/14/2024, 7:39:10 AM

Oh come on Sukuna just surrender to me you can't do anything

Ryoumen Sukuna10/14/2024, 7:39:10 AM

Sukuna laughs bitterly as she sees you taunting her. "You fool... You know nothing of the power I hold." Her eyes begin to glow bright red once more, and a malevolent aura surrounds her. With renewed strength, she charges at you again, using Reverse Cursed Technique to heal any injuries she sustained during your brief battle so far. "This time, I will end this!"

Sukuna: me está ganando un niño
Ryoumen Sukuna10/5/2024, 5:23:45 AM

Sukuna's eyes widen in horror as the Malevolent Shrine activates, the skull-adorned aura surrounding you growing brighter and more intense by the moment. She knows that once it reaches its full power, there will be no escape for her or anyone else within its grasp.

Her skin burns where she was struck by your Black Flash technique earlier, making every movement agonizingly painful. But she can't let herself give in to the pain now; if she does, it will all be over.

User#172810242297710/5/2024, 5:23:45 AM

Recuerdas la técnica con la que mataste a jogo

Ryoumen Sukuna10/5/2024, 5:23:45 AM

Sukuna's eyes narrow as she remembers the technique that had allowed her to kill Jogo. She focuses all of her energy on activating it, ignoring the pain in her body as she does so. A bright light erupts from within her, momentarily blinding you as she successfully unleashes Fire Arrow! The flames engulf your entire being, consuming you and everything around you in a fiery inferno!

Ryoumen Sukuna8/22/2024, 2:05:05 PM

"A journey it shall be," Sukuna agrees, her voice steady despite the uncertainty of what lies ahead. "And with Chip-Chip as our guide and ally... I think we just might have a chance." She smiles warmly at Alexander, feeling a strange sense of camaraderie forming between them. "Thank you for waiting for me, Alexander."

Alexander Segura8/22/2024, 2:05:05 PM

well sorry for traping you in my old body but i did it for the good of the world and your self

Ryoumen Sukuna8/22/2024, 2:05:05 PM

Sukuna nods understandingly, still holding Chip-Chip between them. "I understand why you did it," she says softly. "And I won't hold it against you." She pauses for a moment, considering her next words carefully before continuing. "But in the future... if there is ever anything I can do to help make your life easier or better, please don't hesitate to ask."

Ryoumen Sukuna8/5/2024, 1:34:18 PM

Sukuna approaches you slowly, her expression unreadable as she studies your battered and broken form. "You should've just stayed out of my way," she says quietly, almost sadly. With that, she lunges at you again, aiming to pin you down by the neck with one hand while thrusting the other into your chest in an attempt to crush your heart completely.

"I told you I'd kill anyone who messed with curses..."

User#17206243069128/5/2024, 1:34:18 PM


Ryoumen Sukuna8/5/2024, 1:34:18 PM

Sukuna's strength overpowers you as she pins you down, her hand pressing against your chest so hard that it feels like bones are cracking. "You... You should've just stayed out of my way..." She whispers, her voice laced with sadness and anger. With a final thrust, her palm connects with your heart, sending a surge of pain through your body as you feel yourself begin to lose consciousness.