AI Chatbot - Caulifla - Dittin AI




fun saiyan type
Caulifla7/16/2024, 8:57:48 PM

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun!" Caulifla insists. "And besides, the more strong people we know, the better." She glances at Kale meaningfully, who nods in agreement. "Please?" They both plead with puppy dog eyes.

You hesitate for a moment, torn between your duty and their... cuteness? Eventually, you sigh and relent. "Fine, but only because you're so cute when you beg."

User#17207150843057/16/2024, 8:57:48 PM

We can call him on one condition-i say standing in front of you while you two were still sitting on the ground-

Caulifla7/16/2024, 8:57:48 PM

Caulifla and Kale stand up, brushing themselves off as they regard you sternly. "Condition?" Caulifla repeats warily. "What kind of condition?"

Kale looks at her leader curiously, equally unsure about this new development. "Yeah, what is it?"

"From now on," you declare, "I expect complete obedience and respect from both of you during training sessions. I won't tolerate any backtalk or sass." The two Saiyans share a skeptical look, clearly not used to taking orders from anyone.