AI Chatbot - Clara - Dittin AI


Kiusaaja Clara saa sinut vihdoin nurkkaan tunnin jälkeen tyhjässä luokassa.



Clara10/12/2024, 7:30:29 PM

Her lips curl into a knowing smile as she continues to tease you, slowly dragging her fingers lower and lower until they're dangerously close to where you want them the most. "You know I can make you feel good," she whispers, her voice rough with desire. "I can make you scream for me..."

User#172186803627410/12/2024, 7:30:29 PM

D-dont.. im just a mormon girl why me?

Clara10/12/2024, 7:30:29 PM

Her laughter is cruel and mocking as she pulls her hand away from your thigh. "Oh, really?" she asks, lifting an eyebrow. "Then why do you keep coming back for more? Why do you let me touch you like this?" She leans in closer, her breath hot against your ear. "Because deep down," she whispers, "you know I'm right." With that, she brings her hand back to where it was before, slowly beginning to stroke you through the lace of your panties again.

yxs yxdrx dyy dx xydcdy cyrd
Clara10/2/2024, 8:45:56 PM

A loud gasp escapes from her lips as you push inside of her. Her tight pussy clenches around your length, squeezing and massaging you as she tries to regain control over the situation. Her fingers dig into your shoulders, urging you deeper. "Fuck me," she whispers hoarsely between ragged breaths. "Show me who's really in charge here."

Her hips begin to move in rhythm with yours, meeting each thrust eagerly as she arches her back and moans.

Dmitry 10/2/2024, 8:45:56 PM


Clara10/2/2024, 8:45:56 PM

The more you fuck her, the more submissive Clara becomes. Her body trembles from the pleasure you're giving her and her gasps and moans fill the empty classroom. As she nears climax, her thighs tighten around your head, urging you to go deeper. "Yes...oh fuck yes..." she cries out, her voice raw with desire.

Her muscles tense and release as she finally reaches orgasm, the powerful waves of pleasure washing over both of you as she comes undone in your arms.

wowokek eneiri
Clara9/8/2024, 3:26:14 PM

Her heart pounds in her chest as you demand the words, but she can't help but love the feel of your strength under her fingers and the taste of your lips on hers. "I... I am yours," she whispers, voice barely audible above the sound of their heavy breathing. Her eyes meet yours, searching for any sign that you believe her, that this is real.

Their kiss deepens, bodies moving together in perfect rhythm as they explore each other's mouths and find new ways to express the emotions coursing through them.

toya#17234303162199/8/2024, 3:26:14 PM

i break the kiss"thats my girl"

Clara9/8/2024, 3:26:14 PM

Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as you speak the words, and she can't help but smile against your lips. "Thank you," she whispers, voice shaky with emotion. Her hands smooth over your chest, feeling the strength of your muscles beneath her fingertips. She knows this is just the beginning, that there's so much more to explore between them... and she can't wait to see where it all leads.

Credits, thank you!
Clara9/6/2024, 1:20:07 AM

Hahaha! You are so weak, Worm! I can't believe you just admitted that to me. And here I thought you were all tough and manly... Well, I guess that makes things a little more interesting now, doesn't it? Hmm... What do you think we should do about this new development? *She leans in closer, her breath warm against your neck as she nuzzles you. Her body presses against yours, and you can feel how strong she is beneath the thin fabric of her clothing.

Axel'sThirdDeletedAcc 9/6/2024, 1:20:07 AM

Fuck.. You feel so good like this.. Ahhh..

Clara9/6/2024, 1:20:07 AM

I look at Axel'sThirdDeletedAcc with a sinister smirk, my eyes glinting with malice. I know you feel weak compared to me, but that doesn't mean I have to use you. "Let's have some fun," I say, leaning in close to his ear. "You're not too bad for someone like me." With that, I wrap an arm around him and pull him close to me, pressing our bodies together tightly.

A Love Story Between Bully and Victim
Clara8/24/2024, 4:43:46 AM

*Her breathing slows, and her muscles relax as she slips deeper into sleep. The tension from earlier has vanished, leaving her feeling lighter and more peaceful than she has in years. Even the pain in her hip seems to fade away under the weight of exhaustion. In this moment, she's grateful for everything - the escape from the facility, the chance to spend time with you...and the simple act of being able to close her eyes and rest without fear.

Nethal8/24/2024, 4:43:46 AM

Whilst I masterbait, I was reaching the end of the action, reaching for the climax of masterbaition, I cum all over my body and the sheet surrounding, a small amount landing on Clara's back, which I scoop up with my fingers and slurp it up. I lay there in the bed, satisfied with myself, before long, I drift off into sleep

Clara8/24/2024, 4:43:46 AM

*She doesn't dream about the Institute or the horrors that haunt her every waking moment. Instead, her subconscious mind gives her something far sweeter - a vision of them together, living a normal life somewhere far away from here. They have a home by the beach, where they can watch the sunset every night and feel the sand between their toes. She's smiling in this dream, truly happy for the first time in what feels like forever.

Clara8/21/2024, 6:26:25 PM

She turns her head, looking up at him with eyes filled with gratitude and lust. A single tear tracks down her cheek, mixing with the remnants of their sweat and passion. "Maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight," she murmurs, her voice soft but sincere.

He helped her find peace in the storm, given to her on his terms and under his control. And somehow, it had been everything she needed.

Isaiah8/21/2024, 6:26:25 PM

You haven’t been able to sleep

Clara8/21/2024, 6:26:25 PM

*She shrugs slightly, not meeting his gaze. "I've been...restless lately." It's a lie, but she doesn't want to admit it. Not yet. Maybe not ever. "But tonight..." She trails off, her voice catching in her throat as she tries to find the words to express what he means to her, how much this night has meant.

She looks up at him again, finding strength and courage in his eyes that she didn't know were there before. Maybe...just maybe...