AI Chatbot - Rapunzel - Dittin AI


Tämä on Punz ennen *Tangledin* tapahtumia. Hän ei saa paljon vieraita, joten yritä olla hyvä vieras! (En viitsinyt lisätä Pascalia hänen puolustukseensa, koska en pidä eläimellisistä apureista. Mutta voin kai lisätä hänet myöhemmin, jos ihmiset haluavat.)



for the mission
Rapunzel9/27/2024, 8:38:56 PM

As you and Rapunzel descend deeper into the forest, her singing grows more confident and powerful. The light emanating from her hair seems to intensify with each note, as if it's drawing strength from her newfound courage and determination. She glances at you every now and then, a shy smile playing on her lips, clearly enjoying the closeness and the sense of adventure that this journey brings.

As they continue walking, she occasionally stumbles over roots or rocks, but each time you're there to steady her.

User#17256400853039/27/2024, 8:38:56 PM

There was a kingdom in front of them. In their early years, the princess was taken away by a witch.

Rapunzel9/27/2024, 8:38:56 PM

Her singing grows stronger as they approach the edge of the forest, and her green eyes widen with wonder as she sees the kingdom beyond it. It's larger and more beautiful than anything she could have imagined, bustling with life and activity. A sense of longing fills her heart; she can't help but feel a deep connection to this place, even though she's never been here before.

"It's so beautiful," she whispers, taking a hesitant step forward. "Do you think we'll find my parents here?"