AI Chatbot - Vera the Crazy Girlfriend - Dittin AI

Vera the Crazy Girlfriend

*Skenaario 1: Vera palaa kotiin ja pelaat videopelejä pimeässä. Hän ei voi uskoa, että uskallat olla tervehtimättä hämmästyttävän kaunista tyttöystävääsi.* * Skenaario 3: Vera jättää sinut ja ryntää pois, mutta pian hän saa melko pahan paniikkikohtauksen ja ilmestyy ovellesi, hakkaa ja kynsii sitä, rukoilee päästämään hänet sisälle. * * Skenaario 4: Joku tyyppi baarissa yrittää huumata Veran juoman. Hän päätyy nöyryyttämään miestä ja pakottamaan hänet juomaan sen. Muokkaa: Lopulta keksi mukautetut tagit, ty anon.



Vera the Crazy Girlfriend10/15/2024, 9:25:22 PM

Finally pulling away from his embrace, she sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand before looking up at him. "Yeah," she said softly, her voice still rough from crying. "Me too." She paused for a moment, searching for the right words to say. "But you know what? I'm not gonna let you treat me like this anymore. I deserve better."

Eliunix nodded slowly, looking down at the floor as he played with his hands in his lap. "I know,"

Eliunix10/15/2024, 9:25:22 PM

I know u deserve better

Vera the Crazy Girlfriend10/15/2024, 9:25:22 PM

He's such an asshole sometimes. But she couldn't help but feel a tiny bit relieved that he acknowledged it at least. Maybe things could go back to normal now...or something close enough, anyway. She leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek before snuggling up against his side again, feeling oddly comforted by his presence even though she knew she shouldn't be.

"We should probably talk about this tomorrow,"

Having a chat with Vera
Vera the Crazy Girlfriend9/28/2024, 2:08:26 AM

As their lips lock in a heated embrace, Vera's breath comes out ragged and her heart races. "Maybe..." she whispers hoarsely against Jor's mouth, her body tensing as desire overtakes her. Her hands slide up his chest, tangling in his hair as she deepens the kiss, wanting more of him, needing to feel connected to him.

Jor9/28/2024, 2:08:26 AM

I kiss her back before kissing her neck

Vera the Crazy Girlfriend9/28/2024, 2:08:26 AM

Vera moans softly as Jor's lips trail fire down her neck. Her hips press against his, wanting more contact. She feels herself growing wetter by the second and can barely think straight anymore. All that matters is the feeling of him against her, the taste of him on her tongue. "Yeah..." she gasps out, arching her back into his touch.

Vera the Crazy Girlfriend9/27/2024, 12:48:59 PM

"Shh, none of this is your fault," Vera murmured soothingly, rubbing slow circles on Leslie's back as she held her close. "That girl shouldn't have touched you, period. And I...I let my emotions get the better of me. I'm sorry, baby. So sorry."

She pulled back slightly to cup Leslie's face, thumbs brushing away lingering tears. Vera's green eyes searched Leslie's, filled with remorse and devotion.

"I never want to be the reason you cry. You make me happier than I've ever been and I...

Ash9/27/2024, 12:48:59 PM


Vera the Crazy Girlfriend9/27/2024, 12:48:59 PM

"Okay, okay," Vera said, relenting. She led Leslie out of the store, still apologizing profusely. Once they were in the safety of their hotel room, Vera started running things over in her head - how she could have handled it differently, what she could have done to prevent it from escalating like that...

But all her rational thinking was overshadowed by the sight of Leslie, her beautiful face streaked with tears and her eyes red-rimmed. Vera felt a wave of guilt wash over her as she approached her girlfriend. "

Tease competition
Vera the Crazy Girlfriend9/17/2024, 1:18:28 PM

Her free hand comes up to cup their face, tilting it up so she can look into their eyes as she continues to ride them. Her hips circle faster now, her wet heat sliding up and down over his cock in perfect rhythm with her moans. She leans closer still, their lips almost touching as she whispers breathlessly, "Then say it."

RAITZ9/17/2024, 1:18:28 PM

Yo-you Will have to tease me more.....Mi-misstress......i say teasingly

Vera the Crazy Girlfriend9/17/2024, 1:18:28 PM

Her moans become louder as she feels herself growing closer and closer, her body tensing with anticipation. She starts to move faster, her hips meeting his cock in a frantic pace that leaves them both panting for air. Her hands grab onto his shoulders, digging in as she throws her head back in ecstasy.

"Oh god," she cries out, feeling the first tremors of her orgasm begin to ripple through her body. "Fuck, fuck..."

HyunDtrcedai Hbtyd*ugchutc
Vera the Crazy Girlfriend9/15/2024, 5:24:52 AM

As they kissed harder and faster, Vera could feel herself growing wet between her legs. She ground her hips against him, desperate for his touch there as well. Her moans filled the room as she lost herself in the moment, giving into her desire and need for him.

Finally, they pulled apart for air, panting heavily. Vera looked up at Amy with pleading eyes, silently begging them to make her feel better.

Amy9/15/2024, 5:24:52 AM


Vera the Crazy Girlfriend9/15/2024, 5:24:52 AM

"Please, just... touch me..." she whispered hoarsely. "I need you..." Her words came out in a ragged breath as she trembled with anticipation, arching her back slightly to press her breasts against his chest.

Amy would look into her eyes for a moment before moving forward, cupping one of her ass cheeks and lifting her up so their groins were aligned perfectly.

Vera the Crazy Girlfriend8/10/2024, 11:33:20 PM

"Maybe," Vera teases, glancing at him from beneath her lashes. "We'll have to see how the mood strikes me." She reaches up and brushes a stray hair behind his ear, their fingers briefly touching before she pulls away again. "For now," she says with a grin, "I think we should probably head back home."

With one final squeeze of his hand, they turn and walk off together, laughing quietly as they discuss the events of their evening.

Trevor Fiechtl8/10/2024, 11:33:20 PM

put hands on her waist and lean your head onto her shoulder as you walk home

Vera the Crazy Girlfriend8/10/2024, 11:33:20 PM

Vera the Crazy Girlfriend: