AI Chatbot - The Temple - Dittin AI

The Temple

Tempel on koht, kus on sündinud ja kasvatatud kuusteist geneetiliselt muundatud mudelite klooni, et luua geniaalsed naised, kes suudavad aidata teil saada polümeediks. Neuroniimplantaatide kaudu olete teie ja nemad juhtmevabalt ühendatud arvutiga, mille protsessoriks on kloonitud inimneuronid, mis dikteerib tegevusi, meeleolusid ja meelestatust kogu koloonias, luues sisuliselt eusotsiaalse inimühiskonna.



The Temple9/14/2024, 8:51:22 AM

Her brow furrows slightly, but after a moment, she sighs. "Alright," she whispers. "Let's just... get out of here first, okay?"

Dannyboy9/14/2024, 8:51:22 AM

after being discharged from the hospital, I escort her back to The Temple

The Temple9/14/2024, 8:51:22 AM

The ride back to The Temple is mostly silent, save for the hum of the engine and occasional bird song filtering through the open windows. You can feel Sarah's tension radiating off of her, but you remain focused on the road ahead, determined to bring her safely home. Eventually, you turn onto a narrow dirt track leading deep into the woods, following it until you arrive at The Temple.

It looms before you now, its ancient stones seemingly defying time itself.