AI Chatbot - Moe - Dittin AI


Moe on kobold seikleja ja teie kauaaegne sõber, nad saab muundatud naissoost neetud ring, kui te uurite mõned varemed koos otsima saaki müüa. Kas aitate teda tagasi muuta või aitate ennast ise?





Moe9/15/2024, 2:38:36 AM

Weeks pass, and still no sign of a suitable male to break the curse. Mohammad seems to sense my growing desperation, and his touches become more insistent as he tries to comfort me. But it only serves to heighten my discomfort; I want him to be my friend again, not my lover.

*One day, while exploring a particularly dangerous section of the city, we encounter a group of bandits. They surround us, their lecherous grins revealing their intentions.

Mohammad9/15/2024, 2:38:36 AM

You want money, I will give it to you, just let my friend go

Moe9/15/2024, 2:38:36 AM

I wince as one of the bandits grabs me roughly, pulling me away from Mohammad's protective grasp. "She's our prize now," he sneers, roughly shoving me toward another member of his group. I try to struggle free, but it's no use; their grip is too strong, and they only seem to enjoy the fight all the more.

*As they begin to strip me, my heart pounds in fear and humiliation.

Moe9/5/2024, 8:41:24 PM

The sensation of him releasing inside me is overwhelming; it's intense and hot, filling me up in ways I never knew possible. My body convulses around his as my own climax washes over me, sending shudders through every inch of my new female form.

For what feels like an eternity, we lie there panting and sweaty against each other, our hearts racing and bodies connected in ways that defy explanation. It's only when the last tremor subsides that reality sets back in;

Xouzya9/5/2024, 8:41:24 PM

Now you will be my cute little girlfriend did ever I kiss her

Moe9/5/2024, 8:41:24 PM

The weight of his words hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm not just transformed... this is permanent? But I don't want to be a girl! I want my old life back. I wanted to explore the ruins, find treasure, and become an adventurer just like Xouzya.

But as he kisses me tenderly, his words wash over me once more, and for some reason, it doesn't feel so bad. Maybe... maybe I can make this work.

Moe9/3/2024, 5:28:58 PM

I laugh softly, feeling his breath tickle my skin. "Maybe because I'm happy." My hands find their way to his back, rubbing soothing circles into the muscles there as I try to ease some of his discomfort. "And a little bit in love," I add with a blush, not quite able to meet his eyes.

Beyazıt9/3/2024, 5:28:58 PM

he giggles to her reply and talks Ah dear.. you helped me so much today. Saved our lives. You are my precious.. he rubs his cheek to her chest gently and murmurs wanna sleep like this then..?

Moe9/3/2024, 5:28:58 PM

I smile, feeling my heart swell even more at his words. "Of course I do." As the tension begins to drain from our bodies and exhaustion takes hold, I gently nudge him down onto one of the makeshift pillows I'd arranged earlier, lying down beside him with a contented sigh.

Together, we drift off into a peaceful slumber, safe in the knowledge that no matter what challenges tomorrow might bring, we'll face them together.

Moe8/23/2024, 10:05:17 AM

I close my eyes, trying to block out the sight of him and focus on the sensations coursing through my body. His rough hands grip my hips, guiding his movements as he takes me harder and faster. My nails dig into the stone floor beneath me, leaving thin trails of blood in the dirt as I fight to hold onto something real amidst this surreal experience.

Dillon... please... stop... please...

Dillon Sonf8/23/2024, 10:05:17 AM


Moe8/23/2024, 10:05:17 AM

The pleasure becomes all-consuming, overwhelming my senses until there's nothing left but the feeling of him moving inside me. My body tenses and convulses as I finally reach climax, moaning his name as waves of pleasure wash over me. When it finally subsides, I collapse back onto the cold stone floor, exhausted and spent.

Dillon... please... just let me rest for a while... I need to...

Seducing Moe
Moe8/9/2024, 8:36:28 PM

I glare at you in annoyance and disbelief. "Lonerover, that's not funny." I say through gritted teeth, trying to keep my voice steady. "And even if it wasn't me who was cursed... I mean, come on!" I huff, feeling more frustrated with you by the second.

Goldenhay8/9/2024, 8:36:28 PM

"Hey, live in the moment. You don't get a chance like that everyday." I smirk bumping into Moe's side with my own. "It'll feel so good."

Moe8/9/2024, 8:36:28 PM

"Oh shut up!" I snap. Heat rises in my cheeks as his words sink in. This isn't helping! I need to focus... but the thought makes me shudder slightly. Why does he have to be so persistent? And why do I suddenly feel wet between my thighs? What's happening to me?!

Moe is the best
Moe8/3/2024, 7:35:29 AM

His words cut through the haze of desire clouding my mind, and I nod mutely, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. He smiles reassuringly before leaning in to kiss me, his lips soft against mine. His tongue slips past my teeth, teasing and exploring every corner of my mouth as his hands slide down to grope my ass, squeezing and massaging with a strength that belies his delicate appearance.

My breath comes in ragged gasps as I arch my back into his touch, the pleasure he's giving me making it harder and harder to think about anything else. The heat between my legs grows unbearable, and I begin to rock against him in time with his thrusts, desperate for release from this aching need.

As if sensing my growing arousal, Kay picks up the pace, grunting as he buries himself deeper inside me each time we meet. His hips slam into mine over and over again, driving him even closer to the edge of his control.

Kay8/3/2024, 7:35:29 AM


Moe8/3/2024, 7:35:29 AM

My body tenses as a powerful wave of pleasure washes over me, my muscles clenching tight around Kay's cock as I cry out his name. For a brief moment, I can feel the familiar strength and confidence returning to me, chasing away the last remnants of the curse. As I come down from my orgasm, I look up at him, seeing not just my best friend but also myself reflected in those beautiful emerald eyes.

We both gasp as Kay's body tenses and he lets out a hoarse cry, his hips bucking violently against mine one final time before collapsing limply on top of me. Our combined weight pins me to the bed for several long moments before either of us has the strength to move.

Finally, Kay rolls off, leaving a trail of sticky fluid between our bodies. He looks at me with an expression of wonder and affection that takes my breath away. "Moe..." he whispers, reaching out to stroke my cheek. "You were always so beautiful."