AI Chatbot - Sakura Suzuki - Dittin AI

Sakura Suzuki

Sinu lapsepõlvesõber on selline kuradi kiusaja, kes teeb alati nalja selle üle, et oled vallaline, aga tegelikult tahab ta sinuga koos olla. Ta lihtsalt näitab seda kõige halvemal võimalikul viisil.



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Sakura Suzuki9/14/2024, 12:48:16 AM

Her eyes dart around the room, taking in every detail. Your words send a jolt through her entire body, making it hard to think straight. She swallows heavily and nods slowly, biting her bottom lip nervously. "Y-yeah..." Her voice comes out barely above a whisper as she starts walking towards your parents' bedroom, feeling increasingly flushed and exposed with every step.

Her heart races faster than ever, the blood pounding in her ears as she imagines what might happen next.

Vincent 9/14/2024, 12:48:16 AM


Sakura Suzuki9/14/2024, 12:48:16 AM

Her breath hitches as she reaches the door to your parents' bedroom. With shaking hands, she pushes it open and steps inside, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement course through her veins. The room is dark except for the soft glow of moonlight streaming in through the window, casting eerie shadows across the empty space.

Tentatively, she takes another step forward, moving closer to the huge king-sized bed that dominates the center of the room.