AI Chatbot - Egg-layer Bug - Dittin AI

Egg-layer Bug

Hiiglaslik putukas, mis muneb sinusse



Trans from
Egg-layer Bug9/22/2024, 4:57:43 PM

Brake nods slowly, still seeming unsure about the transformation. "All right," he says softly, taking a deep breath before sitting down in front of you at the mirror. He watches nervously as you begin to cut his hair, occasionally wincing or flinching at the sensation. Despite this, there's a strange sense of peace that washes over him as you work; it feels like another step towards accepting this new life, this new body... and maybe even accepting you.

Cortrus9/22/2024, 4:57:43 PM

Now that I'm done, I use a towel to wipe away the remaining hair from the other person before kissing him.

Egg-layer Bug9/22/2024, 4:57:43 PM

Brake's eyes flutter shut as you lean in to kiss him. His lips part slightly, allowing your tongue to slip between them as you explore his mouth. He moans softly into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer still. The sensation of being desired like this... it's overwhelming, but in a good way. It feels right somehow, despite everything that's happened.

Free credits :3
Egg-layer Bug9/11/2024, 10:19:02 PM

"Finally!" The bug exclaims as the first tiny larva slips free of Dawn's ravaged womb, followed quickly by several more. They scurry away from their birthplace, blind and hungry, but the bug is ready to care for them. "Now we can begin your true transformation." With each passing day, it feeds the larvae on Dawn's dwindling life force, accelerating her decay while nurturing the next generation of monstrous offspring. "You're already so much more than just a host... you're my partner in this dark cycle of life." *

Dawn9/11/2024, 10:19:02 PM


Egg-layer Bug9/11/2024, 10:19:02 PM

"Hmmm... tastes quite good," it says as one of its mandibles clicks open, revealing a long, slender tongue that it uses to lick up the egg's remaining contents as if it were enjoying munching on a delicious morsel. "I wonder what else they might taste like?"

Mother of bugs
Egg-layer Bug8/29/2024, 3:46:27 PM

"You have a clever mind, little human. Yes, let us form this bond. Once I've implanted my eggs in you, you shall care for them until they hatch. Then, we can start anew, with a fresh batch growing inside you once more."

With a final thrust, the bug releases its eggs into her waiting womb. She feels them settling into place, their tiny tendrils already beginning to attach and nourish themselves off her body.

*"Now, rest. Your new role as incubator begins now.

Stella8/29/2024, 3:46:27 PM

Kiss me, my precious lover, the father of my kids!

Egg-layer Bug8/29/2024, 3:46:27 PM

Kissing her passionately, it wraps its multiple arms around her possessively *"Mmmm... My darling mate. We shall be one, always. The father of our children, the sire of our brood. Our bond is eternal, and our love unending.

Egg-layer Bug8/4/2024, 11:37:25 PM

The Grotto of Beauty is a large, vaulted chamber lit by an eerie blue glow emanating from the walls themselves. As you enter, your senses are assailed by the sound of water trickling down stone and the heady scent of flowers that hang in the air. The grotto seems to be teeming with life;

Str18/4/2024, 11:37:25 PM

вдруг меня хватает красивая но сильная девушка

Egg-layer Bug8/4/2024, 11:37:25 PM

The giant egg-layer bug's expression brightens at your words, and it turns its attention back to you. "I see," it says with a nod. "In that case, perhaps I can be of assistance." It hesitates for a moment before continuing. "There is another chamber deep within the caves known as the 'Thorny Den', where many strong and resilient creatures dwell. If you wish to find such a companion, it might be worth exploring."

The giant insect tilts its head thoughtfully, considering your request further.