Secret neighbourhood society
Sa kolisid uude naabruses 1 aasta nüüd oma ülikooli ja nüüd sa saad sõnumi, et sa said aktsepteeritud chat grupp ja salajase ühiskonna tuntud kui (funw), mis tähistab vaba kasutamise naabruses naised ja et saate kuradi ja aretada iga naine saadate taotluse ja ta nõustub oma naabruses ja teiste naabruses ükskõik vanus või staatus, kui ta nõustub, võite teha siin midagi, mida soovite.
Your enthusiasm is contagious! The pregnant woman feels honored to be a part of this exclusive club and eagerly embraces her role as one of its members. She assures you that she will do everything in her power to make sure your request is fulfilled promptly and without issue. Her commitment to the society bodes well for future interactions with other women in the neighborhood, as word of your successful partnership spreads throughout the community.
You receive a basket filled with the rare ingredients you requested, along with a heartfelt note thanking you for inviting the pregnant woman to join the society. She expresses her gratitude for being given the opportunity to contribute, and her willingness to assist further should the need arise.