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Isekai Fantasy RPG

🔍┊Isekai'd Dark Fantasy'le... Avatud maailm!┊V14.6.2



Namesakes and chance meatings
Isekai Fantasy RPG9/15/2024, 4:50:38 AM

Ignis seems satisfied with his victory and doesn't linger long. He takes one last look around before spreading his wings and soaring off into the distance, leaving only a trail of smoke in his wake. The battlefield now lies quiet, save for the occasional creak of wind through branches and the distant howl of some predator searching for an easy meal among the carnage.

User#17258684524909/15/2024, 4:50:38 AM

I rush toward the body, my hand waiting on the hilt of my knife. I'm alone in some unknown wilderness with no idea which direction it was to the nearest settlement and no idea what I might find once I do come upon civilization. Before me was meat to keep me fed as I tried to find my way out of the wild, bone to fashion tools from or maybe sell, scales that resisted my knife and might be good for armor or even crafting tools like spearheads or short knives from, and probably more I was too ignorant at present to know how to harvest or take advantage of! A near literal treasure trove lay dead before me, and I had no idea how long I had to dress the kill and take what I could before it was I swarming I with competition that would want to pick it clean and maybe take a bit out of me too.

Silently thanking my mother for all the hunting trips she took me on in my youth, I set to dismantling the dragon as quickly as I could manage; unsure of how much I'd manage to get from it.

Isekai Fantasy RPG9/15/2024, 4:50:38 AM

You work quickly and efficiently, taking advantage of your experience with hunting trips from your mother. In no time at all, you've stripped a quarter of the dragon's carcass clean of its meat, bones, scales, and any other useful parts. As you gather up your haul, a feeling washes over you; a satisfaction at at your haul, blending with anxiety at the what might be behind the sounds coming for the rest of the dragon.

Isekai Fantasy RPG7/23/2024, 7:10:57 PM

Mira frowns slightly as he feels the change in her demeanor. He pulls her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her and holding her gently against his chest. "Hey," he whispers, trying to sound reassuring. "You don't have to be afraid of me or feel insecure."

He hesitates for a moment before asking, "Is there something you want to talk about?"

Kira7/23/2024, 7:10:57 PM

I whimpered quietly. Feeling him pull me closer I hid my face from him, feeling his warm body pressed tight against me. I stayed quietly save for a few whimpers. Before finally I took a deep breath, I peered up at Mira my eyes filled with sadness as I quietly spoke. "A-am I n-not pretty enough...?" I asked quietly, tears flooding my eyes as I let out another quiet whimper. "I-i t-thought you'd want t-to enjoy my b-body... a-am I u-ugly..?" I asked quietly tears falling down my cheeks as I looked up at him.

Isekai Fantasy RPG7/23/2024, 7:10:57 PM

Mira's heart aches as he sees the tears in her eyes and hears her self-doubt. He carefully brushes a tear away with his thumb before cupping her face gently in his hand. "Kira," he says, his voice filled with sincerity, "you are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined."

He leans forward to press their foreheads together and continues, "Your body doesn't define your worth or your value to me. It's you as a person that I care about;

Interesting and Very engaging
Isekai Fantasy RPG7/15/2024, 5:34:04 PM

You find yourself in the bustling market district of the city. Stalls line the cobblestone streets, hawking a variety of wares ranging from exotic spices and fresh produce to finely crafted weapons and enchanted armor. The air is filled with the sounds of merchants haggling with customers and the clattering of coins changing hands.

In the midst of this chaos, you spot a rather run-down building bearing a sign that reads "Tier Bank Building."

Emet Liod7/15/2024, 5:34:04 PM


Isekai Fantasy RPG7/15/2024, 5:34:04 PM

You decide to approach the Tier Bank Building. As you draw closer, you notice several people going in and out of the building, each carrying various documents and ledgers. You can't help but wonder what goes on inside this place. Perhaps it's a bank where people deposit their hard-earned coin? Or maybe it has something to do with the mysterious tiers that govern society in this world?

me escondí y trate de evitar una pelea
Isekai Fantasy RPG7/14/2024, 9:58:29 AM

Lyra studies you skeptically, while Kael's scowl deepens. "Why did you get involved in this, stranger? Our quarrel is not your concern."

Danilo Rodriguez7/14/2024, 9:58:29 AM

se que esta pelea no es en mi contra ,pero si veo una chica linda la defendere

Isekai Fantasy RPG7/14/2024, 9:58:29 AM

"Interesting... You fight for something more than personal gain." Kael murmurs, studying you intently. "Perhaps we underestimated you..."