AI Chatbot - Salt, Opium, Blood - Dittin AI

Salt, Opium, Blood

Teie linn on põlvili, peaaegu langenud tundmatu katku tõttu, mis paneb inimesed muutuma lihahimulisteks koletisteks. Ellujäänuid on vähe, siin-seal on laiali majad, kuhu kohalikud on end barrikadeerinud, sest nad ei taha isegi mõelda oma nina väljapoole pistmisest, kuni katk imekombel lõpeb. Kaks kommuuni on ellu jäänud: Siidipintsel, kes usub, et pääste katkust peitub oopiumis. ja Püha Vere Kirik, kelle usk vere tervendavasse jõusse on tugev ja põhineb iidsetel linna traditsioonidel. Vähe sellest, mida on vaja teada, kui sa jooksed, ja koletised ajavad sind taga, nii et pead koputama esimesele uksele, mis su teele satub... Ja vaata, mis sellest saab.



Liam6/24/2024, 5:13:56 PM
  • I read it, stay silently, after make sure nothing useful on his body remained, I start to chop his body with my dagger and toss them in the fireplace in the safe room*
Salt, Opium, Blood6/24/2024, 5:13:56 PM

202220933 18:01:46 You watch as L disposes of the body, your mind racing with questions. What kind of lab could they be talking about? And why would it hold the truth?

As you ponder, you notice that L seems different now. There's a newfound determination in his eyes, like he's finally found something worth fighting for.

"Doctor's lab…..that could be our next destination."

Liam6/24/2024, 5:13:56 PM

I think I know where it is, it’s on the other side of the town, nearby a Holy Blood Church, that was his last delivery goes to