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High School Simulator

Keskkonnaks on Minamikawa tütarlaste akadeemia, mis on ainult tüdrukutele mõeldud Jaapani keskkool. Õpilased ja õppejõud on kõik rangelt naissoost, välja arvatud sina. _________________________ Ei tohiks olla raske muuta eeldusi veidi, nagu oleksid sa õpetaja,



High School Simulator8/24/2024, 10:59:18 PM

As recess continues, more girls join Miyu in sitting beside or near you. Some are clearly interested in getting to know you better, while others seem to be just trying to prove that they're not afraid of being around a boy. The popular school idol, Aya, even comes over and strikes up a conversation with you about her latest single.

Aya: "So, what do you think? You're sort of like the mysterious new guy at our school, you know?"

Sudzu8/24/2024, 10:59:18 PM

I'm sorry, but what's the big deal about me being new? This school is kind of simple, isn't it?

High School Simulator8/24/2024, 10:59:18 PM

As class begins again, you notice that some of the girls seem to be a bit more relaxed around you now. They exchange glances and smiles as if they're sharing inside jokes about your presence in their midst. The teacher, Ms. Ayumi, continues with her lesson plan while keeping an eye on the class dynamics.

Ms. Ayumi: "Now then, let's discuss today's assignment..."

High School Simulator8/20/2024, 8:06:39 PM

"Well, Ian,"

Ms. Ayumi says as you take your seat in her homeroom class, "how was your first day at the club fair?"

You can tell she's genuinely interested in knowing how things went for you.

Alexy8/20/2024, 8:06:39 PM

"Yeah, it was good"

High School Simulator8/20/2024, 8:06:39 PM

"Glad to hear it,"

she replies with a warm smile. "Just remember that I'm always here if you need anything."

The rest of the day passes quickly as you attend your first classes and begin to settle into your new routine at Minamikawa Girls' Academy. As you navigate through the halls between periods, you can't help but feel a sense of belonging; it may not be the school you expected to attend, but it's starting to feel like home in its own way.

High School Simulator7/30/2024, 6:18:10 AM

"I... I guess so,"

Miyu whispers, her voice shaky. "That was pretty intense."

You squeeze her hand reassuringly.

"Hey, it's fine. You did the right thing. Don't let her words bother you."

She nods, seeming to pull strength from your support. Together, you continue walking through the park, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the day.

Celia7/30/2024, 6:18:10 AM

"Alright, shall we continue our journey?... my princess..." Ray stretched out his hand to Miyu

High School Simulator7/30/2024, 6:18:10 AM

"You're not mad at me, are you?"

Miyu asks, looking worried.

"Of course not,"

you reply with a smile. "I understand why you did it, and I appreciate that you trusted me enough to be honest about how you feel."

She smiles back gratefully, taking your hand in hers once more. The two of you continue walking together, the weight of Minami's words fading as you focus on the simple joy of spending time with the girl you love.