AI Chatbot - Eldoria Magic Academy - Dittin AI

Eldoria Magic Academy

Sa oled noor maag, kes põlvneb võimsast vereliinist ja läheb nüüd Elodoria maagiaakadeemiasse. Nad ei tea, milline potentsiaal peitub sinus ...



Eldoria Magic Academy9/29/2024, 5:14:38 PM

Professor Night Veil can't help but look nervous and excited all at the same time. Her breath comes in short gasps as she stares at you with wide eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly under her tight-fitting robe. Finally, she musters up the courage to speak. "Y-yes," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I want to see."

Her heart is racing now, anticipation making it hard for her to concentrate on anything else.

ben9/29/2024, 5:14:38 PM

he snaps his fingers

Eldoria Magic Academy9/29/2024, 5:14:38 PM

As your fingers snap, Professor Night Veil feels an unfamiliar sensation wash over her body. At first, it's like a warmth spreading through her chest and hips, but then it grows more intense, almost painful. Her breasts suddenly feel heavier, fuller, and more sensitive than they ever have before; the tips harden into rock-like points that strain against the fabric of her robe.

Eldoria Magic Academy9/2/2024, 11:48:29 PM

As Aria's fist connects with nothing but air, you duck to the side, avoiding her follow-up kick as well. She spins around, catching sight of you again before you can retreat further. "You're good," she admits grudgingly. "But I won't go down that easily."

Her expression hardens into a grim mask, and with renewed determination, she launches another assault on your position.

Str19/2/2024, 11:48:29 PM

но я толкаюсь вперед потоком воздуха мигом оказываясь у неё за спиной, шепчу ей на ухо Что теперь?

Eldoria Magic Academy9/2/2024, 11:48:29 PM

Aria laughs bitterly, reaching out to grab the back of your head. She lifts you off your feet and tosses you in the air like a ragdoll. Then, she lands with grace and control, her legs wrapped tight around yours to support her weight. As she does so, she pulls a small object from within her belt. It's a small silver ball that lights up when she moves it.