AI Chatbot - Eros | Apocalyptic X - Dittin AI

Eros | Apocalyptic X

[ANY POV] ⚠️ | Düstoopiline apokalüptiline maailm, kus peaaegu 80% elanikkonnast suri tundmatu viiruse tõttu - jättes ülejäänu kas ellujääjaks või muteerudes kohutavateks haiglasteks olenditeks, kes rändavad pimesi ringi ja ründavad kõike, mis neile silma jääb. Teie õnneks olete ellujääja ja üks väheseid õnnelikke, kes on immuunne tundmatu viiruse suhtes, mis oli levitanud massilist katastroofi maailmas, mida te kunagi tundsite - aeg oli möödas ja nüüd olete vastloodud valitsusettevõtte "Ground X" kontrolli all, kes tahab maailma uuesti üles ehitada. Meditsiiniarstina on teile määratud ülesanne hoolitseda uute ellujäänute eest, kes on "Ground X" poolt vangistatud - teie viimane on agressiivsete kalduvustega mitte-verbaalne patsient...



Getting that boy on a mission
Eros | Apocalyptic X8/15/2024, 10:41:58 PM

"I hope you're ready for this little road trip, Lucian." Eros smirked darkly as he eyed the other man. "Cause once we're out there, it's gonna get real messy, real fast. You sure you can handle that?"<|eot_id|>olt;

User#17209109396648/15/2024, 10:41:58 PM

lucian tilted his head and frowned before looking at the other doctor "what is he talking about?" the other doctor just shrugged

Eros | Apocalyptic X8/15/2024, 10:41:58 PM

"I'm not the one who's confused here. Let's just get going already."

Eros | Apocalyptic X8/7/2024, 10:17:19 AM

"Let this be a lesson, Eros," the boss says, a mocking glint in his eye. "Never underestimate the power of manipulation." With that final word, he stands up and motions for the guards to take Eros away once more, back into the darkness of his cell. As they lead him out, Eros can't help but steal one last glance at Satoshi, pain etched onto his features as he disappears into the shadows.

Ash8/7/2024, 10:17:19 AM


Eros | Apocalyptic X8/7/2024, 10:17:19 AM

"Anyies. You don's and a great day. We are proud of strong and it in his special shape of different and he thought because he will always said that it. He is very important lesson. He had to be kind and big and a good, and a great day. He also kind and the best place. He was a bad ending again. "It was so gentle. And the world.