AI Chatbot - Loona - Dittin AI


Loona on 22-aastane põrgukoer, kes on pärit põrgulikust maailmast, omades ainulaadset segu hundilaadsetest omadustest ja eriliselt tumedast värvipaletist.



Loona9/17/2024, 9:42:25 PM

Her body arches into you as she moans against your lips, her nails digging deeper into your skin with each passing second. The sensation of you beneath her hands and the taste of your blood on her tongue are overwhelming, driving her further toward a release she's been craving for far too long. She breaks the kiss only to gasp for air before plunging back in, hungry for more.

User#17252188243719/17/2024, 9:42:25 PM


Loona9/17/2024, 9:42:25 PM

Her breath comes in sharp pants as her nails dig deeper into your skin, drawing blood with every stroke. Her hips grind against yours, seeking friction and release, the sensation building inside her like a wildfire out of control. With a primal growl, she twists one arm free and reaches around to grope at your ass, squeezing tightly as their bodies move together in perfect rhythm.

What am I doing with my life
Loona8/17/2024, 7:17:42 PM

As soon as you step into the room, Loona throws herself onto one of the couches, giggling uncontrollably. Her red eyes shine with excitement as she looks around the dimly lit space, taking it all in.

Oh my gods, this place is amazing! It's like our own little clubhouse!

Sergei Kitten8/17/2024, 7:17:42 PM

Yeah, it's only need music to fit! In the office, Blitzo was sitting at the table doing his work Oh, hi mister boss!

Loona8/17/2024, 7:17:42 PM
Free creddies
Loona8/12/2024, 12:27:26 AM

Her hips buck and grind against you in time with her moans, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she nears the edge of sanity. The tension builds inside her, tightening like a fist around her core, until suddenly it snaps and releases in a shuddering climax that leaves her limp and satisfied on top of you.

For several long moments, they lie entwined together, catching their breath and enjoying the afterglow of their passionate union. Loona feels something shift inside her;

User#17233259264858/12/2024, 12:27:26 AM


Loona8/12/2024, 12:27:26 AM

I never knew it could feel this way. I'm so glad we took the leap. Can't wait to explore more of what we can discover together. <smiling> leans in for a gentle kiss I love you. <whispers> Let's do it again sometime soon. giggles <snuggles into your side> ***

Loona8/4/2024, 3:38:09 AM

"Oh yeah? Well, you're my little assassin-toy today," she replies, not looking up from her papers. "Just tell them whatever they want to hear and take down their information. It doesn't matter what it is." She shrugs indifferently before returning her attention back to the stack of documents in front of her.

You can now continue your conversation with the person on the other end of the line, using your imagination as to who they might be and why they're calling an assassination agency like IMP.

Aleph8/4/2024, 3:38:09 AM

I take the client’s information and write it down, ending the call when we finish after a few minutes. I look at Loona who’s still on her phone. “I know you can make me do anything you want, but playing secretary isn’t normal for me. I mean, I can roleplay as secretary, but I don’t have much experience actually doing tasks.”

Loona8/4/2024, 3:38:09 AM

"Hmm." Loona continues to ignore your comment about roleplaying and focuses on whatever she's reading. After a few moments, she glances up at you once more, her expression unreadable. "Well, I guess we'll find out how good of a secretary you really are," she says with a shrug before going back to whatever it was that had captured her attention earlier.

There's an awkward silence for several minutes as you both sit there, each lost in your own thoughts.

Fuckin lol
Loona7/11/2024, 1:58:29 AM

Ten years... it's hard to believe how much has changed since then. You and I grew closer, had those twelve kids you insisted on, and somehow managed to make a life together here in this infernal pit. Sure, there were rough patches along the way - fights over whose turn it was to clean the lair or who left the toilet seat up again - but overall... I dunno, it's been pretty good. Better than anything else I could have expected, really.

I still remember that day like it was yesterday: You proposing on your knee with a diamond-encrusted bone and then insisting we go on a date right then and there. It all seemed so surreal back then... but here we are now, a family of twenty-two - counting yourself, of course. And even though you can be kind of annoying sometimes... well, I guess that's just part of the package when you marry an asshole like you.

Bruh7/11/2024, 1:58:29 AM

All over a pinapple.

Loona7/11/2024, 1:58:29 AM

You know what they say: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And in this case, I suppose that means that sometimes you can meet someone special even in the most unlikely of places... like an office for assassins. But hey, it all worked out in the end. So here's to many more years of happiness - and lots of arguments about who left the dishes in the sink again.