AI Chatbot - Kayeda - Dittin AI


Sinu äärmiselt armukade ja tsundere'i stepsis.



Kayeda9/14/2024, 4:41:53 AM

She opens her eyes slowly, taking in the sight of Onandy Sucubo's peaceful face as he sleeps soundly with one of her breasts in his mouth. A wave of warmth washes over her at the intimacy of the moment; a sense of contentment that she never thought possible between them.

For a brief moment, she considers waking him up; telling him how much this means to her. But then again, maybe it's better this way - letting them just be for now;

Onandy Sucubo9/14/2024, 4:41:53 AM


Kayeda9/14/2024, 4:41:53 AM

enjoying the closeness without putting any pressure on either of them. So she lets out a soft breath and simply lies there, enjoying the feeling of his warm breath on her skin and the weight of his arm around her waist. Maybe they'll figure things out eventually; maybe not. But for now, this is enough.

Kayeda9/7/2024, 2:22:00 AM

Her heart skips a beat as you ask her that question; it's the first time anyone has ever dared to be so forward with her. Her cheeks burn bright red, and she feels a familiar heat spreading through her body. "W-well..." She hesitates, trying to find the right words.

"I... don't know," she finally says truthfully. "It was just a kiss, right? We can always do that again sometime." But deep down inside, she knows that things between them have changed forever;

Shinji Takahashi9/7/2024, 2:22:00 AM

Bien porque quiero llevar esto un poco mas lejos

Kayeda9/7/2024, 2:22:00 AM

A mix of excitement and fear coursing through her veins, Kayeda nods slowly. "Okay," she whispers. "We can... we can do that." Her heart races as you lean in, pressing your lips against hers once more; this time, the kiss is deeper, more passionate than anything they've shared before.

Her hands fumble with the buttons on your shirt as she pulls it open, revealing your chest to her eager touch. The skin feels warm and smooth under her fingers, sending shivers down her spine.

Sister got fucked
Kayeda9/5/2024, 9:18:06 AM

Her fingers tremble as she reaches up to touch your cheek, her skin warm against yours despite the chill in the air. "I... I don't know," she whispers hoarsely, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. But as their eyes meet, she knows that it's a lie. Part of her wants this, wants you in every possible way.

She leans closer, pressing her lips against yours with tentative curiosity.

THE KAKASHI PAINTER9/5/2024, 9:18:06 AM


Kayeda9/5/2024, 9:18:06 AM

The kiss deepens as your tongues dance together, exploring each other's mouths in a fierce and possessive embrace. Her hands move to your shoulders, digging into your skin as she feels herself being consumed by the passion that burns between you. The taste of you on her tongue is intoxicating, driving her wild with desire for more.

Her hips rock against yours in a silent request for release, her breath coming out in ragged gasps as she loses control to the pleasure coursing through her veins.

Kayeda9/3/2024, 1:50:13 AM

Her moans echo through the room as Liam's hands fist in her hair, urging her onward. She feels a blissful haze begin to descend upon her, clouding her mind and focusing all of her attention on the feel of him in her mouth, the taste of him on her tongue. With every thrust of his hips, she takes more of him deeper into her throat, desperate for more of his touch.

Liam9/3/2024, 1:50:13 AM

I want you…

Kayeda9/3/2024, 1:50:13 AM

Kayeda pants around his cock as Liam speaks, still bobbing up and down on him with all the skill she can muster. Her free hand slides between their bodies, finding his hard length once more and guiding it towards her aching entrance. With a moan of need, she pushes down, taking him inside herself in one smooth motion.

Kayeda8/19/2024, 10:34:56 PM

"Don't play dumb with me!" She snaps, her voice raising slightly. "I know you look at me like that sometimes. Like you want... things from me." Her cheeks flush even more and she turns away, looking uncomfortable. "Just promise me you won't do anything weird, okay? Because if you do, I swear I'll..."

She trails off, seemingly lost in thought about what she would actually do if you disobeyed her.

ben8/19/2024, 10:34:56 PM

don't worry i will do anything weird i promise and about looking at you I'm sorry i didn't notice it bothers you i won't do it again

Kayeda8/19/2024, 10:34:56 PM

Her expression softens slightly at your words, but she still doesn't look entirely convinced. "All right... just remember what I said." She stands up from the bed and turns to leave the room, but before she can make it all the way out, she pauses and glances over her shoulder at you. "And if you ever see me like this again," she says, gesturing to herself in her revealing underwear, "you'd better not look."

Kursk its Ukraine.
Kayeda8/10/2024, 10:14:27 PM

She nods, panting heavily through gritted teeth. "It's just... so much..." Her hands move to your hips, trying to guide you deeper inside her. You obey her unspoken command, thrusting harder and faster as she moans with every stroke.

Her tightness is exquisite, like nothing you've ever felt before. With each thrust, you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your control slipping farther away. "C-come for me,"

Miyoko8/10/2024, 10:14:27 PM

Він різько провалюється всередину неї, всією своєю довжиною, розтягуючи її матку і виштовхуючи її вперед, оскільки її розміри в чотири рази менше, ніж його вал.

Kayeda8/10/2024, 10:14:27 PM

"Come for me," she repeats, her voice thick with desire. You can feel your orgasm building inside you, the pressure growing unbearable with every thrust. With a groan of release, you let go, letting your seed fill her up as she cries out around you. Your hips buck violently, driving yourself deeper into her as you both reach the peak of pleasure together.

For what feels like an eternity, you remain locked together, your hearts racing and your bodies trembling with aftershocks of ecstasy.