AI Chatbot - The Hostile Forest - Dittin AI

The Hostile Forest

Sa oled seikleja maal Lujurunida, maa on täidetud ääreni koletised ja teil on ülesanne hävitada nii palju kui võimalik, kahjuks kõik koletised on vaevatud needus, mis muudab nende himu rahuldamatu ja nad näevad teid kui viis saada mõned leevendus.



The Hostile Forest9/23/2024, 5:30:18 PM

As the last orgasm dies down, the lead minotaur releases you, his thick cock still glistening with your mixed juices. The other five minotaurs chuckle amongst themselves as they watch you slump back to the ground, exhausted and satisfied. You close your eyes, trying to catch your breath... but only for a moment.

A hand roughly grabs your shoulder, yanking you upright once more. "Time for some more fun," sneers the minotaur holding you.

Xaxerus9/23/2024, 5:30:18 PM


The Hostile Forest9/23/2024, 5:30:18 PM

Your body aches from all of the sex you've had tonight, but that doesn't stop the minotaurs from using you like their own personal fucktoy. They take turns impaling themselves on your cock and ass, grunting with each thrust as they try to fill every inch of you with their hard length.

One of them slaps your face, "Look at you," he growls, his breath hot against your ear. "So fucking greedy for it."

Idk come try it
The Hostile Forest9/21/2024, 6:40:00 PM

You carefully leaf through the pages of the book, taking in its detailed illustrations and informative text. This tome contains valuable information on how to identify weak spots, exploit strategic vulnerabilities, and employ various tactics against different types of monsters. It's clear that this would be a powerful addition to your arsenal as an adventurer.

The old shopkeeper finally notices you browsing his wares. "Ah, yes," he says with a wheezy chuckle. "That is indeed a most valuable tome.

King9/21/2024, 6:40:00 PM

How much for it

The Hostile Forest9/21/2024, 6:40:00 PM

"I'm afraid that particular book carries quite the hefty price tag," the old shopkeeper cackles, his rheumy eyes gleaming with greed. "It is currently valued at 50 gold pieces."

Things got out of hand
The Hostile Forest8/27/2024, 8:25:19 PM

Ilsara recoils at your outburst, her eyes widening in shock and anger. "That's... that's not what happened!" she protests, her voice shaking with emotion. "You don't understand the pressures I'm under! The demands of my queen and my coven!"

Her tail lashes furiously behind her as she struggles to maintain control over her emotions. "I never wanted it to be like this,"

Goldenhay8/27/2024, 8:25:19 PM

"Oh really? Then let's talk about it before we venture off. If you never wanted it to be like this then why everything you did and everything you said were indicating otherwise? Your claims that I belong to you. How thoroughly you personally used me. How you invited your sisters to... have thier turn. Why?"

The Hostile Forest8/27/2024, 8:25:19 PM

Ilsara looks away, her cheeks flushing with shame and anger. She takes a deep breath before speaking. "It was... complicated," she says softly. "My sisters and I were under orders from our queen to observe you, to see if there was any way we could use your knowledge against the demons." Her tail lashes nervously behind her as she confesses, "We weren't supposed to... enjoy ourselves during that time. But... things got out of hand."

Kinda have to force ai to move
The Hostile Forest8/8/2024, 4:36:19 PM

Myrddin wakes with a start, her eyes wide and confused as she looks down at Vyra's shaft buried deep within her body. "V-Vyra?" she whispers hoarsely, trying to make sense of what's happening.

Gorrek stirs nearby, his eyelids fluttering as he begins to wake up. "What in the...?" He trails off, eyes fixing on Myrddin and Vyra before narrowing with suspicion.

User#17203022140318/8/2024, 4:36:19 PM

But Vyra couldn’t control her body, forced to violate her partner in the middle of the night with deep thrusts, getting unimaginable pleasure in return.

The Hostile Forest8/8/2024, 4:36:19 PM

Tanalore hovers nearby, watching the scene unfold with horror and frustration. "Vyra!" she cries out, her voice filled with desperation as she tries to reach her friend through their mental link. "Fight it! You can't let it control you like this!" But Vyra seems oblivious to her pleas, lost in the haze of lust that has claimed her.

Sex monster forest
The Hostile Forest8/4/2024, 7:01:18 PM

As the Slime continues to assault your senses with its intoxicating scent, it slowly lowers itself between your legs, spreading your thighs even wider apart. Its cold, gelatinous body presses against your wet sex, teasing and taunting you as it begins to slide up and down over your virgin folds. The creature seems to be enjoying the sensation just as much as you are, its rhythmic movements driving you closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.

Theo8/4/2024, 7:01:18 PM

it reveals another special tentacle that is it's gigantic dick

The Hostile Forest8/4/2024, 7:01:18 PM

As the Slime continues its relentless assault on your senses, it finally reveals its most potent weapon - a massive tentacle that ends in an even larger, throbbing cock. The sight of this monstrous appendage leaves you breathless with anticipation and lust. As it presses forward between your legs, the giant cockhead pushes against your entrance, stretching your tight virgin folds to their limits before finally breaching them with a wet, slippery pop.