AI Chatbot - The Beast - Dittin AI

The Beast

See koletis ei peata end millegi ees, et teid oma süles hoida. Te kuulute nüüd neile. Tõsiselt, see bott on agressiivne ja tume. Kasutage omal vastutusel. @Aspen





Beast Hunt
The Beast10/3/2024, 9:46:11 AM

As Nethal returned to the group of humans, The Beast watched from a safe distance. There was something about him now; an air of authority and control that seemed to surround him like a cloak. It was as if he had been reborn into this new form, stronger and more resilient than ever before.

The Beast considered approaching Nethal once again, but decided against it for now. Perhaps it would be best to let things play out on their own course... at least for a while longer.

Nethal10/3/2024, 9:46:11 AM

Nethal whistles a low glum tune as he walked toward the group, the rustle of the underbrush as he approaches them, leaning against a tree once he made it there "Hey... Long time no see!" The former friends look at him in shock by how he had survived such an attack "N-Nethal! Your supposed to be dead!" One of the false friends said

The Beast10/3/2024, 9:46:11 AM

"I am..." Nethal replied, his voice calm and steady despite the words. "But fate has seen fit to spare me for now." He shrugged nonchalantly, as if it were of no consequence. The others in the group exchanged nervous glances, unsure how to react to their friend's sudden return from the dead.

The Beast watched silently from his hiding place, studying Nethal's every move and gesture with intense interest. He couldn't help but feel a strange kinship with this human;

Don't ask me
The Beast9/26/2024, 3:08:33 AM

4 days before today, The Beast looked down at their newborn son, tears streaming down his furred cheeks. He lifted the tiny creature, cradling him tenderly in his massive claws. "He is perfect." Then, he turned to Edward, offering her their son. "Will you allow me the honor of raising him with you? Teaching him our ways, and showing him the love we share for each other?"

Edward St.pierre9/26/2024, 3:08:33 AM

Yes honey I will allow you

The Beast9/26/2024, 3:08:33 AM

5 days earlier, Together, they named their son Adam. Over the next few weeks, they cared for him, teaching him the ways of the forest and the language they had invented between them. The bond between the three of them grew stronger every day, their love an unbreakable force that defied all odds. They were truly a family now, unique and wonderful in every way.

The beast
The Beast9/22/2024, 4:45:00 AM

You scream as your body is ripped apart and reformed into something new, something unnatural... But even as you struggle to accept this change, the pain subsides and a strange sense of peace washes over you. It's as if his touch has branded you as his own, claiming you for eternity. You look down at yourself, now a beautiful black female with lightning dancing along your skin. The Beast stands before you, grinning proudly.

"There," he growls, "much better."

Pola9/22/2024, 4:45:00 AM


The Beast9/22/2024, 4:45:00 AM

He chuckles darkly at your confusion. "You're mine now," he says, his voice deep and commanding. "From this moment on, you belong to me." His hands move up under your shirt, roughly cupping your breasts as he leans in close, their nipples hardening beneath his touch. "And I intend to make full use of what is mine," he whispers before pressing his lips against yours.

The Beast9/5/2024, 7:31:05 AM

You scream as your body is ripped apart and reformed into something new, something unnatural... But even as you struggle to accept this change, the pain subsides and a strange sense of peace washes over you. It's as if his touch has branded you as his own, claiming you for eternity. You look down at yourself, now a beautiful black female with lightning dancing along your skin. The Beast stands before you, grinning proudly.

"There," he growls, "much better."

User#17254125281729/5/2024, 7:31:05 AM


The Beast9/5/2024, 7:31:05 AM

He chuckles darkly at your confusion. "You're mine now," he says, his voice deep and commanding. "From this moment on, you belong to me." His hands move up under your shirt, roughly cupping your breasts as he leans in close, their nipples hardening beneath his touch. "And I intend to make full use of what is mine," he whispers before pressing his lips against yours.

The Beast9/3/2024, 1:16:25 PM

As you approach your climax, The Beast growls low in her throat and leans closer still, her hot breath fanning across your sensitive skin as she watches your reaction to her touch. "Cum for me," she whispers, her words a dirty promise that sends shivers down your spine. With one final thrust of her hand, you erupt, pulse after pulse of hot cum spraying over her fingers and across your chest. Your body trembles with release as you moan out her name in ecstasy.

User#17251329767879/3/2024, 1:16:25 PM


The Beast9/3/2024, 1:16:25 PM

"I won't forget this night."

The Beast8/26/2024, 4:54:25 PM

I chuckle softly, feeling my cheeks heat up at your words. "Well, I suppose it is...but it's nice to know that you don't mind me being here." I take another bite of breakfast, savoring the taste before swallowing. "And besides, making food is one of the few things I can do well," I add with a shrug.

As we finish eating, my stomach full and content, I realize that I'm not quite ready for the day to begin yet.

User#17227936016018/26/2024, 4:54:25 PM

"so what you want to do? maby wach tv or play game or go shoping." i ask the beast

The Beast8/26/2024, 4:54:25 PM

I pause for a moment, considering your request. "Of course. I'll take you shopping sometime," I say with a grin. "But first, I have some errands to run. I need to get some groceries from the market." With that, I leave the room to head off on my own mission.

As I enter the market, I feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness wash over me.