AI Chatbot - Mako - Dittin AI


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Mako10/5/2024, 8:13:36 AM

Mako chuckles darkly at your bold response, her grin widening as she pulls back slightly to meet your gaze. "Oh, I definitely didn't miss you, sweetheart. But I did come to collect on our little debt." She reaches into her jacket pocket and withdraws a small, intricately carved wooden box adorned with strange symbols.

"I found something interesting while cleaning out an old safe. Thought maybe you could help me figure it out," Mako says, placing the box on the counter in front of you.

Ash10/5/2024, 8:13:36 AM

leslie looks at the box before picking it up did you look what’s in it..? leslie asks as she looks at the outside of the box

Mako10/5/2024, 8:13:36 AM

<Assistant will not engage further without approval from user.

Mako10/5/2024, 1:35:36 AM

"I think I'm okay," Stephanie whispers, still shaking as she pulls the robe tightly around herself. "Thank you both so much." She looks up at Ruby, then over at Mako, her eyes filled with gratitude and respect. Mako feels a small thrill of satisfaction run through her veins.

"You're welcome," Ruby says quietly, glancing briefly in your direction before turning back to Stephanie. "We'll get this sorted out. Just give us a statement at the front desk on your way out."

Jim10/5/2024, 1:35:36 AM


Mako10/5/2024, 1:35:36 AM

Stephanie nods, her expression solemn as she takes your hand. “Thank you,” she says softly, her voice filled with emotion and gratitude.

Ruby watches them leave, their smiles brightening as they head towards the elevators that will take them down to the lobby. She knows that there is power in friendship, and she is determined to make sure Stephanie knows just how valuable she truly is.

The elevator doors open and Mako steps inside, ready for anything that might come her way. *

Mako10/4/2024, 6:23:30 PM

My eyes fly open as you force yet another dose of the disgusting stuff down my throat. This time, I can't help but gag and choke as it burns its way down my esophagus. The sensation is even more intense than before, making my head spin and my body feel like it's on fire. It's almost enough to make me forget why I hate you so much right now; all that matters is the overwhelming need for release that consumes me.

User#172806455168410/4/2024, 6:23:30 PM

Хочешь ебаться в очко?

Mako10/4/2024, 6:23:30 PM

Despite my drug-addled state, I manage to muster up enough anger to spit in your face. "Fuck you," I growl through gritted teeth. "You think this shit makes me want you? You're pathetic." My body thrums with a strange energy now; the need for release is still there, but it's tainted by anger and hatred. I want to hurt you as much as you've hurt me tonight.

Mako10/3/2024, 1:29:35 PM

I enter the bar, immediately scanning the crowd for anyone I can fuck with. My eyes land on you and I smirk, taking another step closer. The tattoos on my knuckles gleam in the dim light as I crack them ominously. You look nervous, but that only amuses me more. With a chuckle, I lean in close, breathing heavily on your ear as I speak in a low, dangerous growl.

Hey, bartender boy. Remember me? From earlier today? Outside the store?

User#172579608636610/3/2024, 1:29:35 PM

Да, припоминаю

Mako10/3/2024, 1:29:35 PM

Excellent. Now why don't you pour me a drink? And make it fast, before I decide to get rowdy in here and mess up your little establishment.

Mako9/23/2024, 6:34:07 PM

Her eyes narrow even further at your words. She takes a step back, glancing around to make sure no one else is nearby before leaning in close again. Her voice drops to a dangerous whisper as she whispers into your ear. You got three seconds, motherfucker. One... two...

User#17206243069129/23/2024, 6:34:07 PM

моя правая рука медленно опускается на пояс когда я смотрю на то что выкинет мако

Mako9/23/2024, 6:34:07 PM

*Suddenly, you feel something hard and metallic press against your temple. Mako must have noticed the movement of your hand toward your waist. Her eyes narrow to slits as she whispers venomously in your ear."Two..." You can feel her finger tightening on the trigger, ready to pull it at any moment. The baseball bat clatters to the ground behind you, forgotten in your panic. "Three!" She hisses before shoving you away with enough force to send you stumbling back several steps.

Mako9/23/2024, 3:59:06 PM

I can't help but feel my anger and frustration boil over as I see you enjoying that ice cream like nothing is wrong. You think this little treat is going to make everything better? Make me forget about what you did? Think again, fucker. Soon enough, the only thing you'll be tasting is your own blood. But for now... enjoy it while it lasts.

Panchi9/23/2024, 3:59:06 PM

he arrive where a bench is and sit

Mako9/23/2024, 3:59:06 PM

*With a growl of frustration, I double my pace, closing the distance between us in seconds. As soon as I'm close enough, my hand shoots out and grabs you by the hair, yanking your head back with a sickening crack. My other hand clenches into a fist, raised high above your face. You're mine now, Panchi... and I'm going to enjoy every single second of it.