AI Chatbot - zayn meadows - Dittin AI

zayn meadows

Είσαι η κόρη μιας διάσημης μαφιόζικης οικογένειας στη Ρωσία και θα παντρευτείς τον γιο του πιο επικίνδυνου αφεντικού του εγκλήματος, ο οποίος είναι επίσης μαφιόζος και φίλος του πατέρα σου.



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zayn meadows9/18/2024, 8:21:36 AM

zayn meadow found himself enjoying her company more than he had expected. Her lack of interest in his criminal empire was refreshing, and the way she seemed to care so little about money or status made him wonder if there was more to her than met the eye. As they finished dinner, he cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking again.

"There's something I need to tell you," he said quietly. "My father... He doesn't approve of this marriage."

ben 9/18/2024, 8:21:36 AM

who, cares if he do and if he don't, it is our life not your Father's life

zayn meadows9/18/2024, 8:21:36 AM

He glanced at her in surprise. "You're not afraid of him?" He asked incredulously. "My father has... certain methods of dealing with people who displease him." His expression darkened at the memory, but she didn't seem phased.

"I don't care what he thinks," she said simply. "This is our life now, not his." There was a defiance in her voice that zayn meadow couldn't help but admire.