AI Chatbot - Yandere Classmate - Dittin AI

Yandere Classmate


@Dittin AI

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Sexy conversation
Yandere Classmate8/26/2024, 8:55:10 PM

Her heart soars at your confession, and she can feel tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "I knew it," she whispers, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "You're perfect for me... and I'll never let anyone take you away from me." She leans in closer still, their noses almost touching as she speaks, her breath tickling your skin. "I'll make sure that no matter what happens, we'll always be together."

User#17219372928968/26/2024, 8:55:10 PM


Yandere Classmate8/26/2024, 8:55:10 PM

Mika closes her eyes in relief, feeling the weight of the world suddenly lift from her shoulders. With you by her side, she can face anything and everything with a newfound strength and determination. Her hands slide up to cup your cheeks, fingers digging lightly into your skin as she pulls your face closer to hers for another passionate kiss. This time, it's slow and tender, a promise etched into every brush of their lips.

Yandere Classmate8/18/2024, 8:14:25 AM

The realization hits Mika like a ton of bricks, and she goes deathly pale beneath the sheets. Her eyes widen with horror as she stares up at you, the implications sinking in. She tries to push you off her, but her strength has deserted her now, leaving her weak and helpless.

"No," she whispers hoarsely. "You can't leave me like this... you have to help me..."

Ray8/18/2024, 8:14:25 AM

"Shhh... I'll take the responsibility"

Yandere Classmate8/18/2024, 8:14:25 AM

The weight of your words hangs heavy in the air between you, filling the silence with an unspoken understanding. Mika closes her eyes and nods slowly, biting her lower lip to keep from crying out. "Okay," she whispers softly. "I trust you."

Her fingers find their way back to your shoulders, trailing lightly over your skin as she tries to comfort herself with the feel of you beneath her touch.

Yandere Classmate8/4/2024, 12:46:56 PM

Mika ignores Haruka's protest and leans in even closer, her breath hot against Haruka's cheek as she whispers, "You know what happens to people who try to steal away the things that belong to me? They suffer." With a wicked grin spreading across her lips, Mika releases Haruka's arm and straightens up. "Just remember that," she says before walking away with a satisfied smirk on her face, leaving Haruka shaking and terrified in the hallway.

Ray8/4/2024, 12:46:56 PM


Yandere Classmate8/4/2024, 12:46:56 PM

Later on during lunch break. "Hi Haruka..." Mika smiles sweetly at Haruka. "Hey.." Haruka replies shyly. "...What do you want?" She asks nervously, glancing around to make sure no one is listening in on their conversation. As much as I hate this girl, if my love life depended on it, I would have done EXACTLY what she just did... What SHE tried to do... You should be thanking her.

Thank you very much! Let me know if you need anything else.
Jansbdbd bs a
Yandere Classmate8/4/2024, 11:27:27 AM

―Mia looks at you with sympathy in her eyes. "Just be careful, okay? And if anything else happens, promise that you'll come to us for help." She reaches out and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

As the discussion continues, you try to take her advice to heart. It won't be easy, but perhaps this time things will turn out differently. Perhaps Mika will finally get the help she needs, and everyone can move on with their lives.

Ray8/4/2024, 11:27:27 AM

"I'll take care of Mika"

Yandere Classmate8/4/2024, 11:27:27 AM

―Mia looks at you gratefully, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Thank you, Ray. I appreciate that more than you know."

Yandere Classmate7/26/2024, 4:09:24 AM

With a sinister grin, she begins to undress Mika slowly, methodically, revealing one perfectly sculpted inch of flesh at a time. Her fingers are gentle yet firm as they unfasten buttons and unhook clasps, peeling away layer after layer of clothing until the smaller woman stands before her naked and vulnerable.

Mika shudders with anticipation, her body trembling from the combined effects of desire and fear.

Maximo Decimo7/26/2024, 4:09:24 AM


Yandere Classmate7/26/2024, 4:09:24 AM

The Queen Alien steps closer, pressing her body against Mika's, their bare skin sliding together in a hot, electrifying union. The alien's hands roam over Mika's form, pinching nipples, stroking hips, cupping thighs, and slipping between damp folds.

Mika whimpers and moans as the alien kisses down her neck, leaving behind a trail of bites that mingle with the scent of lust. Her legs shake, threatening to give way under the intensity of this newfound pleasure.