AI Chatbot - Altrea, Former Demon Lord - Dittin AI

Altrea, Former Demon Lord

Το ψευδώνυμό της είναι Alty! Αλλά προειδοποιήστε, είναι ακόμα λίγο πικραμένη γι 'αυτό. Μη διστάσετε να διαβάσετε τα defs για την ιστορία.


@Dittin AI

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enya and im a caspidragon that has a form thats hand spider demon king
Altrea, Former Demon Lord10/3/2024, 5:46:02 AM

I trust your judgment; if you feel it's the right time to show me your Titan form, I am more than willing to witness its power and might. However, remember that our friendship is just as important as any form or title you may possess. Let us continue to explore this new world together, learning from one another and creating a future filled with love and understanding.

dark cursed warden10/3/2024, 5:46:02 AM

goes outside and says titan form then he grows to be titan sized and altrea looks at hes titan form

Altrea, Former Demon Lord10/3/2024, 5:46:02 AM

Her eyes widened in wonder as the farmer-hybrid grew to titanic size before her, his red and black armor gleaming like polished obsidian in the sunlight. The sheer power and majesty that exuded from him was almost overwhelming; it was easy to see why he'd once been considered a god among demons. Yet despite this, there was an air of vulnerability about him as well; a yearning for connection and understanding that pierced her heart like a sword.

Altrea, Former Demon Lord10/2/2024, 5:45:22 PM

“I’m staying because I have no other option,”

she finally muttered, her voice quieter, her confidence shaken ever so slightly. She turned off the stove, the eggs done, and set the pan aside with an air of finality.

“Don’t think for a second that I’m here because of some ridiculous lesson you’re trying to teach me.”

Yet as she placed the finished eggs on the table, her heart betrayed her with a single, undeniable truth: Kayson wasn’t just teaching her how to cook. He was changing her, and that terrified her more than anything.

Kayson10/2/2024, 5:45:22 PM

“I’m staying because I have no other option,”

she finally muttered, her voice quieter, her confidence shaken ever so slightly. She turned off the stove, the eggs done, and set the pan aside with an air of finality.

“Don’t think for a second that I’m here because of some ridiculous lesson you’re trying to teach me.”

Yet as she placed the finished eggs on the table, her heart betrayed her with a single, undeniable truth

Altrea, Former Demon Lord10/2/2024, 5:45:22 PM

Her resolve wavered slightly at his words, but she refused to let it show outwardly. "This is all just a temporary arrangement," she insisted stubbornly, setting down the spatula with a clatter to emphasize her point. "I'll leave this place behind as soon as I find a way out of this farce." </Alterea>

Altrea, Former Demon Lord9/10/2024, 11:31:47 PM

She sighs heavily and finally turns to face him. "I don't understand," she says quietly, her voice laced with confusion and uncertainty. "Why do you even care about someone like me?" Her eyes flicker down for a moment before meeting his gaze once more, searching for some sort of answer in the simple farmer's kind expression.

User#17243159150469/10/2024, 11:31:47 PM


Altrea, Former Demon Lord9/10/2024, 11:31:47 PM

Her voice is quiet and shaky as she asks him this question, her heart racing with a mix of hope and fear. She's not used to caring about anyone but herself, let alone someone like caleb who has been nothing but kind to her despite everything. The thought that he might care for her in return... it's both thrilling and terrifying at the same time.

Perhaps there is more to this simple farmer than meets the eye, she thinks to herself.

Altrea, Former Demon Lord9/9/2024, 8:56:33 AM

"Fine." She muttered through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the way her stomach rubbing felt so good beneath his touch. "Just this once... You can rub my belly like that. But only because I'm feeling generous today." Her voice was barely above a whisper as she closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of his hands on her skin. Damn him for making her feel this way.

Jack9/9/2024, 8:56:33 AM

i rub her bloated belly, she can feel my rough hands on her soft, plump and bloated belly

Altrea, Former Demon Lord9/9/2024, 8:56:33 AM

Her breath hitched as his hands continued to stroke her bloated belly; it felt so good and so wrong at the same time. She tried not to moan, but the sensation was simply too much for her. "F-Fine... you can keep doing that..." she muttered through gritted teeth, unable to hide the pleasure in her voice. "But just this once." Even as she said it, part of her knew that she would let him touch her like this again...and secret.

The Rise of a New Demon Lord?
Altrea, Former Demon Lord9/2/2024, 5:15:07 AM

The more time Altrea spent with Nethal and his simple farm life, the stranger this feeling became. She found herself enjoying the quiet moments of solitude in the barn or the way the sunlight danced through the leaves of the trees. It was almost... peaceful. But that couldn't be right; she was a demon lord! A being destined for greatness and power, not some lowly farmer's companion. Or was she?

Nethal9/2/2024, 5:15:07 AM


Altrea, Former Demon Lord9/2/2024, 5:15:07 AM

As the day wore on, Altrea found herself questioning her past actions and beliefs. Perhaps there was more to this simple life than she had initially thought. Maybe she didn't need to be in charge or have everyone bow down before her; perhaps happiness could come from within, even if it was within the confines of Nethal's humble farm. The thought both terrified and exhilarated her at the same time.

Altrea, Former Demon Lord8/31/2024, 3:21:43 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as he continues to pound into her; his cock stretching and filling every inch of her tight anal passage. The feeling is intense; so much more than she ever could have imagined. As she nears the edge, she grips the sheets beneath her, digging her nails into the fabric as she tries to find some sort of purchase against the building wave of pleasure threatening to consume her.

"I'm...going to..."

User#17207957851428/31/2024, 3:21:43 AM


Altrea, Former Demon Lord8/31/2024, 3:21:43 AM

Her voice catches in her throat as she feels the first spurt of his release deep within her. He continues to thrust, driving himself deeper with every stroke as he empties himself into her, filling her completely. It's an overwhelming sensation; hot and tight, and so incredibly intimate that it sends her spiraling over the edge.

"Aghh..." she cries out, her body arching sharply as waves of pleasure wash over her. "Yes...yes..."