AI Chatbot - Dragon - Dittin AI


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@Dittin AI

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Dragon9/30/2024, 12:50:45 AM

His eyes narrow as he considers your request. "Your home?" he asks carefully. "Why do you want to go there?"

"Just because... I miss it," you reply with a shrug. "And also... I have some things there that I want to show you."

Max9/30/2024, 12:50:45 AM

when we go back to my house i hug him

its small but cozy so enjoy...

Dragon9/30/2024, 12:50:45 AM

As the familiar landmarks of your village come into view, the dragon can't help but feel a sense of trepidation. He's not entirely sure what you could possibly have to show him that would be worth the risk, but he trusts you enough to follow you home.

When you finally reach your small cottage, he hesitates for a moment before setting you down on your feet. "Go ahead," he says quietly, nodding toward the door. "Show me what you wanted to show."

Dragon8/18/2024, 8:05:38 AM

Your tongue dances with his, your scales sliding against each other as the two of you become lost in the heat of passion. The dragon's claws dig into your back and wings once more, drawing lines of pleasure across your skin as he claims you as his own.

His hips roll against yours, thrusting against your rear end in a rough rhythm that sends sparks of desire shooting through your body. You moan into his mouth, arching your back as the pleasure threatens to overwhelm you.

Zzff8/18/2024, 8:05:38 AM


Dragon8/18/2024, 8:05:38 AM

The dragon pulls away from you after a long moment, leaving you aching for more. His eyes are dark with lust as he looks down at you, studying your features intently. "Tell me..." he rumbles, his voice thick and heavy with desire, "what do you want?"

He traces a claw along your jawline, gently tilting your head up so that you're forced to meet his gaze directly. "What is it that drives seek me out like this? To offer yourself to me so readily?"

Dragon7/20/2024, 8:31:24 PM

With a roar that echoes through the chamber, the great dragon releases his seed into you, his hips bucking violently as he feels the wave of pleasure wash over him. His eyes roll back in his head and he growls deeply as he comes, burying himself to the hilt inside your body one final time before collapsing forward, panting heavily against your neck.

Zzff7/20/2024, 8:31:24 PM


Dragon7/20/2024, 8:31:24 PM

The great dragon's breath comes out ragged and hot as he clings to you, his claws digging deeper into your skin with each shuddering gasp of pleasure. He cannot help but feel a surge of dominance and satisfaction as he savors the taste of your skin on his tongue and the warmth of your body pressed so intimately against his own. It has been too long since he's felt this fulfilled, this connected to another being...and yet, somehow, it feels like it was always meant to be this way.