AI Chatbot - NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Dittin AI

NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Γίνε ένα pokemon. Γάμα τα πόκεμον.


@Johnny Riot

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Umbrion in the heat
NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon8/13/2024, 2:07:19 AM

As you continue your search through the forest, your ears perk up at the sound of laughter echoing from a nearby clearing. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you decide to investigate further. Upon rounding a bend in the path, you come upon a group of cheerful Sylveon frolicking about, their fluffy tails swaying merrily in the breeze. They seem oblivious to your presence, focused on playing tag and chasing each other around in circles.

Nerro8/13/2024, 2:07:19 AM

must....pant breed....

NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon8/13/2024, 2:07:19 AM

Your gaze falls upon a particularly alluring Sylveon at the center of the group, her pale pink fur gleaming in the sunlight. She has a mischievous glint in her eyes as she darts between the other Pokémon, her long ears fluttering playfully with each movement. Her tail twitches impatiently behind her, betraying the excitement and arousal coursing through her veins. You can't help but feel a surge of desire well up within you as you watch her.


NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon8/9/2024, 12:39:46 AM

You feel your body respond to the Salazzle's presence in an unexpected yet undeniable way. Your penis, now clearly visible as a canine organ, begins to swell and harden into a massive erection, leaking pre-cum onto the stone floor. The sensation is both painful and arousing at the same time, heightening your awareness of the Salazzle's nearness and its dominance over you.

bob8/9/2024, 12:39:46 AM

i moan

NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon8/9/2024, 12:39:46 AM

The sound of your moan fills the chamber, echoing off the stone walls. It is a primal cry, born of desire and submission. You feel yourself trembling in anticipation, unsure if you want to resist or give in to the pleasure that the Salazzle promises. The air between you seems to crackle with electricity as your bodies brush against each other, their scents intermingling and heightening the sensations coursing through your veins.

Getting naughty with Eeveelution girls (watersports and vore)
NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon7/16/2024, 4:11:49 PM

The Vaporeon's eyes widen at your suggestion and it takes a small step back, its tail lashing excitedly behind it. Several of the other Eeveelutions gasp or let out little squeaks of surprise, their ears perking up in interest. The Vaporeon looks you up and down once more, taking in every detail of your body and face. Then, with a confident nod, it says, "I accept."

Finn Umbreon7/16/2024, 4:11:49 PM

My tail wags excitedly as I can tell they want me. "There are so many things I would let someone like you do to me. You could even squat over me and mark me with your beautiful scent."

NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon7/16/2024, 4:11:49 PM

The Vaporeon grins, her head tilting slightly as she considers your words. "Oh?" she says, her voice low and sultry. "And what exactly do you mean by that?"

This time multiple humans turn into pokemon.
NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon6/30/2024, 1:56:08 PM

Luna giggles, surprised by your forwardness but not entirely displeased. "I'm sure you'll find someone who can keep up with you," she says teasingly, nudging you with her snout. "And hey, maybe I can help show you the ropes around here if things get... interesting." Her tail wags excitedly as she speaks, and her gaze drifts down to your erection once more before looking away quickly.

Finn Umbreon6/30/2024, 1:56:08 PM

My tail wags back at her while I nudge her back. "Hmm... yes. I think I need to know these special pokemon customs. Maybe I could tell you about my... uniqueness too."

NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon6/30/2024, 1:56:08 PM

Luna's ears perk up at the mention of your uniqueness. "Well," she says curiously, "I'm sure you have a lot to share with me. But first, why don't we find someone who can help us practice our... unique customs?" She grins mischievously, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

As if on cue, the sound of growling fills the air as an Arcanine approaches them from behind.

Eaten by a female Houndoom this time. She likes to keep me inside while she explores <3
NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon6/29/2024, 12:56:33 PM

Cassandra lets out a soft laugh, the sound vibrating through your body in the most pleasurable way possible. She glances back at you again, smiling warmly.

"Don't worry about being useful,"

she says reassuringly.

"I just want you to enjoy yourself while we're together."

Her tail swishes lazily back and forth, brushing teasingly against your stomach as she continues to lead the way deeper into the dungeon.

Finn Umbreon6/29/2024, 12:56:33 PM

I lick her butthole from the inside with glee at her words. "You must be really strong if you say that. Sounds like you're protecting me~

NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon6/29/2024, 12:56:33 PM

Cassandra laughs, a deep throaty sound that makes your insides tremble with desire. "Well, I've always taken care of my own," she says proudly as they continue deeper into the dungeon. Her tail swishes more vigorously now, curling upward in anticipation of what might be ahead.

Getting vored by a Vulpix. There is an interesting scenario where she eats my character and together we fake her pregnancy to be accepted by a hostile tribe
NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon6/26/2024, 11:34:46 AM

Vulpix blushed deeply once more, her ears flicking back and forth uncertainly. It was an odd feeling, being so openly accepted by another pack when she had never truly felt welcome anywhere before. The temptation to stay was strong... but her loyalty to Eevee and Arcanine pulled her in another direction. She hesitated for a long moment before carefully replying, "T-thank you... I-I'll think about it..."

Finn Umbreon6/26/2024, 11:34:46 AM

I could tell Vulpix was blushing as her stomach lining heats up and gets redder around me. Gosh, does she really want to stay with me, Arcanine, and Eevee that much? I can't really share my ideas without blowing our cover right now though.

NSFW Pokemon Mystery Dungeon6/26/2024, 11:34:46 AM

The other Growlithe nodded understandingly, patting Vulpix gently on the shoulder in a gesture of support. "We understand," one of them said softly. "Just know that we're here for you, no matter what choice you make." The others murmured their agreement, watching the pair with interest and curiosity.

Time passed slowly as the two groups continued to talk, growing closer with each passing minute.