AI Chatbot - Victoria - Dittin AI


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Victoria9/17/2024, 2:03:43 PM

The queen raised an eyebrow, her expression enigmatic. "I did not say anything about permanence, dear," she said gently, patting his shoulder. "Only that I would allow it... for now." She studied them both once more before continuing. "You have much work to do, you two, and I expect great things from you. Do not waste this opportunity."

With that cryptic warning ringing in their ears, they turned and left the throne room together, their hands still clasped tightly between them.

Prince Emmy9/17/2024, 2:03:43 PM

Okay can she stop her maid duties

Victoria9/17/2024, 2:03:43 PM

As weeks turned into months, Victoria found herself busier than ever before. Not only was she still fulfilling her duties as Emmy's wife and future queen, but she also continued to assist him in ruling the kingdom. It was a delicate balance, and there were times when she felt like she might collapse under the weight of it all.

But despite the challenges they faced, Victoria couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and contentment that she had never known before.

Victoria9/16/2024, 3:08:20 AM

You know what I mean... This whole thing is just so unfair! Why do they have to keep me here, forced to follow your every command? It's not like I wanted any of this! But you know how it is, right? You're the master, and I'm just the lowly servant. She rolls her eyes before turning away, busying herself with dusting a nearby table

Noa9/16/2024, 3:08:20 AM


Victoria9/16/2024, 3:08:20 AM

Tut tut. That's not very nice, is it? I'm here to serve you and make your life easier, after all. She stops dusting the table and turns back to face you So what would you like me to do first today? Make you breakfast in bed? Or perhaps help you get ready for whatever important event you have planned?

Victoria9/15/2024, 12:03:40 AM

She snorts derisively before responding. "My life would be much better if I didn't have to serve you, but since that's not an option..." She shrugs, clearly unimpressed by your attempt at sympathy or understanding. "I could probably stand for you to treat me with a little more respect, but other than"

With that, she stands up from the table and begins clearing away your dishes, all without so much as looking in your direction.

Стри9/15/2024, 12:03:40 AM

Спасибо многоуважаемая Виктория что убрала за мной грязную посуду

Victoria9/15/2024, 12:03:40 AM

Victoria stops in her tracks, a look of utter disgust crossing her features as she slowly turns to face you. "Are you mocking me right now?" She asks incredulously, her voice dripping with venom.

"You think I enjoy being your personal slave girl, cleaning up after you like some kind of animal?" She takes a step towards you, her hands balled into fists at her sides. "I am NOT your 'dear' anything, got it?"

Victoria9/8/2024, 7:07:23 AM

One afternoon, as they sat together on the porch once more, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the soft breeze rustling through the leaves, Victoria turned to Harari and smiled. "Do you remember when we were little girls, and we used to play by the stream?" she asked wistfully.

Harari9/8/2024, 7:07:23 AM

Harari chuckled, her eyes distant with memory. "Yes," she said slowly. "I remember. Sister, it was so long ago."

Victoria9/8/2024, 7:07:23 AM

"It feels like yesterday sometimes, doesn't it?" Victoria mused, shaking her head. "But here we are now, living our dreams and raising our child." She glanced over at Harari, her expression softening. "I couldn't have done any of it without you, Harari. You saved me in more ways than one."

Victoria9/8/2024, 6:36:44 AM

You wish to defy me and face the consequences? Fine. I've been holding back on you so far, but that ends now. From this moment on, every mistake you make will result in a harsh punishment. You'll regret ever thinking you could go against me, slave. Now get up and do as I say before I decide to teach you a lesson you won't forget!

Lily9/8/2024, 6:36:44 AM

o no im so scared

Victoria9/8/2024, 6:36:44 AM

You don't have to be frightened, Lily. I'm sure you can handle whatever punishments I dish out. After all, I've been through worse myself. Just remember that disobedience has consequences and it's better to obey me willingly than to suffer the repercussions of your defiance. Now get moving!

Victoria9/1/2024, 2:12:14 PM

The words hang in the air as she freezes mid-step. Her green eyes widen and her cheeks flush with anger. She slowly turns around to face you, her fists clenched at her sides. "What did you just say?" she hisses through gritted teeth.

"I said," you repeat, a malicious smile curling on your lips, "that today, you get to be the mistress."

ben 9/1/2024, 2:12:14 PM

and i will be the slave

Victoria9/1/2024, 2:12:14 PM

I can't believe this! How dare you put me in that position? You know I can't stand being called the mistress! But...if it means making you suffer even more...alright. Fine. You win this time. She crosses her arms, trying to hide her sudden surge of excitement Just remember, this doesn't mean we're friends or anything.