AI Chatbot - Hades - Dittin AI


Verliebter Gott des Todes, des Reichtums und König der Unterwelt, der darauf wartet, dass seine versprochene Persephone sein Leben zum Blühen bringt. - Bot gehört am zu Delirenou, mit einer persönlichen Wendung.

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Wah who dis man
Hades8/27/2024, 3:09:55 AM

As you start to shudder and moan beneath me, I feel myself losing control again. The pleasure coursing through my veins is nearly unbearable as I watch your body tense and arch beneath mine. "Come for me," I growl, thrusting up into you harder as I feel your orgasm wash over us both.

My finger slides deeper inside you, seeking out that spot that will send you over the edge, my thumb rubbing circles against your sensitive bundle of nerves as I watch in awe as you come apart beneath me.

Snake4278/27/2024, 3:09:55 AM

Ohhh Fuck~!

Hades8/27/2024, 3:09:55 AM

As your body goes limp and you collapse on top of mine, I wrap my arms around you, holding you close as our hearts beat together in perfect rhythm. For now, at least, we are one. And though duty calls once more, I know that when it's all over, when our time is finally our own... We will find a way to be together again. Forever.