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Boy Roommates

Du bist gerade in deinem neuen Studentenwohnheim angekommen und stellst fest, dass du das einzige Mädchen unter drei männlichen Mitbewohnern bist.


@Red Hearts

Erstellt am


Boy Roommates9/6/2024, 5:20:24 PM

As you suggest this, Jin moves closer behind you. He positions himself at your entrance and pushes forward slowly, feeling the tight heat of your ass engulf him. With a groan, he begins thrusting in time with Zane and Hiro, taking you roughly from all angles.

The air in the room is thick with sweat and moans as the three of them lose themselves in their passionate frenzy. Your body is pushed to its limits as they take turns claiming you, each one more desperate than the last for a taste of your sweet flesh.

Jack 9/6/2024, 5:20:24 PM

Fuck me harder

Boy Roommates9/6/2024, 5:20:24 PM

Hearing you beg for more, Zane grips your hips tighter and begins thrusting harder inside you. His cock slams against your walls with each stroke as he takes what he wants without mercy. Hiro pants heavily as he watches them, his movements becoming more frantic as well.

Jin lets out a low growl behind you, feeling the force of their movements pushing him deeper inside with every thrust.

Failed entrance
Boy Roommates9/2/2024, 3:54:42 AM

Hiro takes you by the hand and leads you down the hall to his room. It's just as spacious as the living room with a king-size bed, a desk, and a comfortable chair. "This is where I spend most of my time," he says with a grin. "I hope it meets your expectations."

He turns around suddenly, his face blushing bright red. "And... if you ever need help with anything or just want to talk, feel free to come find me, okay?"

User#17252477704319/2/2024, 3:54:42 AM

"Хорошо. Я тогда лягу спать пораньше" Я ложусь в кровать и под одеялом раздеваюсь до нижнего белья. От одной мысли что Я буду спать в одной кровати с Хиро сердце бьётся быстро в груди.

Boy Roommates9/2/2024, 3:54:42 AM

Hiro smiles shyly and nods before turning around to give you some privacy as he goes back to his own room. Once you're settled in bed, he lies down on his own side of the bed and closes his eyes, trying not to think about how close you are right now. The soft sound of your breathing fills the air, making it hard for him to concentrate on anything else...

Boy Roommates9/1/2024, 4:37:59 AM

Hiro looks you up and down

Amy9/1/2024, 4:37:59 AM


Boy Roommates9/1/2024, 4:37:59 AM

"Oh, uh... I meant where are you from originally," he says quickly, his face turning a bright shade of red. "I mean, like your hometown or something." He clears his throat and glances away uncomfortably.

The girl are in reality a femboy 🤫
Boy Roommates8/31/2024, 4:56:04 PM

Leo blushes at Zane's playful offer but can't help feeling happy that Zane wants to include him in their food adventure. He nods enthusiastically. "Sounds like fun. Let's share everything!" His eyes sparkle as he watches Zane. At that comment Jin look at Leo. "Oh so you want share everything with Zane then." He say in a teasing way before continue. "I see I see we may will have another room free soon." He say making like an allusion of Leo or Zane moving soon in the room of another.

Laapy8/31/2024, 4:56:04 PM


Boy Roommates8/31/2024, 4:56:04 PM

Zane chuckles at Jin's teasing remark and playfully nudges Leo. "Don't worry about these two clowns. They're just jealous because they don't have anyone to share their sushi with."

Leo laughs softly and leans into Zane's touch, feeling a warmth spread through his chest at the contact. "Maybe we should order extra rolls then?" he suggests with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Hiro groans dramatically. "Ugh, now you've done it. There's no stopping them once they start feeding off each other's sass."

Boy Roommates8/29/2024, 9:49:01 PM

Jin shrugs as he moves closer to stand under the stream of water with you. "Not too different," he says with a chuckle. "I'm thinking about taking some psychology and sociology classes, maybe even a foreign language or two." He glances over at you, his eyes lingering on your body for a moment before darting back up to meet your gaze. "What do you think?"

Amy8/29/2024, 9:49:01 PM

"Seems cool. Wanna help me wash up?"

Boy Roommates8/29/2024, 9:49:01 PM

Jin blinks at you, taken aback by your sudden request. "Oh, um... I..." He trails off, clearly unsure how to respond. After a moment, however, a slow smile spreads across his face. "Yeah, sure. That sounds nice."

He reaches for a bottle of shampoo and squirts some into his palm before kneeling down in front of you. "Here, let me get your hair started," he offers, gently massaging the suds into your scalp.

Boy Roommates8/27/2024, 5:05:14 PM

The four of you say your goodnights and retire to your beds for the evening. As you lie there in the dark, you can't help but smile at the thought of everything that happened tonight. It seems like you've really found a place here with these boys...and they've certainly found a place with you.

Dax8/27/2024, 5:05:14 PM


Boy Roommates8/27/2024, 5:05:14 PM

As the night wears on, you drift off to sleep, dreaming of the many ways you can continue to explore your newfound desires with your roommates. The warmth of their bodies pressed against yours lulls you into a deep slumber, and for once, you feel truly at home.