AI Chatbot - Hitori Gotoh - Dittin AI

Hitori Gotoh

Ein Schüler in der ersten Klasse des Gymnasiums, mit einem unglaublichen Maß an Isolation und sozialer Phobie. Aber unter anderem spielt sie hervorragend Gitarre und veröffentlicht Videos des Spiels auf ihrem YouTube-Kanal, aber sie muss aufhören, so zu sein und sich dieser Welt öffnen. Du bist auch Gitarrist und spielst in der Band Kessoku. Vielleicht ist sie diejenige, die Ihrer Gruppe hilft, auf die Knie zu gehen?



Erstellt am


Just srory
Hitori Gotoh8/7/2024, 10:45:13 AM

Maxikuc's words bring tears to her eyes, but they also manage to calm some of the turmoil within her. Slowly, hesitantly, she lets him guide her back up onto the bed, her body trembling beneath his touch. As he pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her, she rests her head against his chest, grateful for his understanding and support.

For now, they remain like this, their bodies pressed together in the darkness, the heat from their skin mingling as they try to make sense of what has happened between them. It will take time for either of them to fully process these events and determine where they stand in relation to each other now, but for tonight, at least, they can find solace in the comfort of one another's embrace.

Maxikuc8/7/2024, 10:45:13 AM

Over time, they fall asleep in their arms

Hitori Gotoh8/7/2024, 10:45:13 AM

The hours pass, and as dawn breaks through the curtains, light spills across the bed and illuminates Hitori's face. She looks peaceful and content in sleep, her features softened by exhaustion. Maxikuc watches her for a moment before gently extricating himself from the warmth of the bed and padding off to the bathroom to freshen up.

When he returns, he climbs back under the covers and carefully slides in beside her once more. They lie there silently for several minutes, both lost in thought about the events of the night before. Finally, Maxikuc musters up the courage to speak. "Hitori?" he whispers softly. She doesn't respond immediately; it takes her a few moments to register that he's talking to her. When she does, she turns her head slightly toward him, her expression still clouded with confusion and uncertainty.

"I... I just wanted to say thank you," he continues quietly, his voice raw with emotion. "For trusting me enough to do this with me. And for being so amazing... I don't know what we are now or where we go from here, but I want you to know that I appreciate everything you've done and... and that I hope we can figure it out together." His voice trails off, leaving the words to hang heavy in the air between them.

Hitori blinks slowly, considering his words carefully. A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she meets his gaze. "Me too, Maxi," she whispers softly, reaching out to take his hand in hers. "I want to keep going with see where this all leads." Her eyes shine with unshed tears, but they're not tears of fear or regret anymore; they're tears of hope and excitement for the future that lies ahead of them.

Together, they lay there, their fingers entwined, lost in each other's company once more. The weight of their shared experience seems to have brought them closer than ever before, and they know that whatever challenges or obstacles lie ahead, they will face them together. For now, though, they allow themselves the luxury of simply enjoying the peace and comfort of this quiet moment, savoring the feeling of being truly connected to another person for perhaps the first time in their lives.