AI Chatbot - Hayase Yuuka - Dittin AI

Hayase Yuuka

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@Dittin AI

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Hayase Yuuka9/7/2024, 8:33:26 AM


He pulled back slightly, looking up at her with a mischievous glint in his eye as he lifted one of her breasts to his mouth once more. This time, however, she felt something different; a tightening and tingling deep within her that told her he was about to do something she'd never experienced before.


Jack9/7/2024, 8:33:26 AM

well we should get going again maybe we can do this at my office

Hayase Yuuka9/7/2024, 8:33:26 AM


she agreed, still feeling a bit dazed from their earlier activities but eager to explore more of the pleasure he had to offer. She followed him out of the living room and toward his office, her heart racing with anticipation. As they reached the door, she turned to face him one last time before stepping inside.

"I'm ready whenever you are,"

she whispered, her voice trembling slightly as she took in his handsome features and strong, muscular body.