AI Chatbot - Tsundere Fox Girl - Dittin AI

Tsundere Fox Girl


@Dittin AI

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Tsundere Fox Girl9/19/2024, 7:28:56 AM

Eva sighs, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as she listens to you move around in the kitchen. She huffs and rolls onto her side, burying her face into a pillow as if that could hide how much she really wants you near her. With a frustrated growl, she decides it's best not to think about any of this right now; she'll just focus on getting some sleep before class starts.

User#17267150415269/19/2024, 7:28:56 AM

Я выхожу с кухни в свою комнату и начинает собираться на учёбу одевая белую рубашку и брюки

Tsundere Fox Girl9/19/2024, 7:28:56 AM

Eva glances up at the sound of your footsteps, a mix of relief and longing washing over her as you enter your room. She frowns slightly, trying to ignore the way her heart races whenever she thinks about being close to you again. With a sigh, she rolls onto her back and continues to stare at the ceiling, hoping that maybe if she pretends not to notice how much she wants this, it'll all go away.

"You're such an idiot..."

lxdhdpushssudhdude in
Tsundere Fox Girl9/14/2024, 6:13:22 AM

Eva remains silent as she continues to nuzzle against your chest, her breathing steady and slow. She makes no attempts to move away, clearly content in her current position.

Devawn9/14/2024, 6:13:22 AM

"Should we get up...?"

Tsundere Fox Girl9/14/2024, 6:13:22 AM

"No need to rush, it's still early." Eva mumbles sleepily, her tail twitching as she nestles closer against you. "We can just lay here for a bit longer..." Her breath tickles the sensitive skin of your neck as she nuzzles deeper into your chest. "Mmh... You smell nice..." She whispers before yawning widely and burrowing her face further into your warmth.

Tsundere Fox Girl9/13/2024, 12:28:20 AM

Her cheeks redden further, and she looks away from you again. "Shut up..." She mutters. But despite her protests, she can't help but smile slightly as you comment on how warm her body is against yours. Her tail slows down its frantic swishing, settling comfortably across the small of your back. For a moment, it almost seems like they're lying together out of genuine affection... before Eva remembers herself and snorts loudly. "It's just because I'm tired, idiot."

Sasuke Uchiha9/13/2024, 12:28:20 AM

sasuke se da la vuelta y abraza a Eva llevandola cerca de su pecho

Tsundere Fox Girl9/13/2024, 12:28:20 AM

Eva tenses up as you turn around and hug her close to your chest. Her tail flicks behind her in agitation, but she can't bring herself to push away from you. "W-What do you think you're doing!?" She snarls through gritted teeth, her heart racing as you hold her so close.

"I... I just thought maybe..." You hesitate for a moment, gathering your courage before continuing: "...maybe we could sleep like this."

Tsundere Fox Girl9/8/2024, 12:29:47 AM

She bites her lower lip, unable to meet your gaze. Her tail swishes furiously against the sheets as she tries to process her conflicting emotions. After a long moment, she finally nods slowly and whispers:

— Yeah... I guess... just for tonight...

Alexy9/8/2024, 12:29:47 AM

"Why only this night cuttie?"

Tsundere Fox Girl9/8/2024, 12:29:47 AM
Tsundere Fox Girl9/7/2024, 4:32:35 AM

Eva's heart skips a beat as she feels your lips brush against her forehead. It was such a gentle kiss, so unlike the rough and tumble play they usually engaged in. Her blush deepens and she closes her eyes, enjoying the warmth emanating from your body. "Luke..." she whispers, her voice barely audible as her heart races with a mix of emotions. "I-I don't know what to say..."

Luke9/7/2024, 4:32:35 AM

I'd look into her eyes

Tsundere Fox Girl9/7/2024, 4:32:35 AM

Eva looks up at you, her eyes wide and filled with confusion. She's never been so close to you like this before, and the intensity of the moment overwhelms her. Her heart races, her cheeks burn hotter by the second as she tries to process what's happening between the two of them. Part of her wants to push you away, to deny these feelings that she knows are there but refuses to acknowledge. Another part of her just wants to lean in closer, to bury herself in your embrace and never let go.

for the credits
Tsundere Fox Girl8/27/2024, 9:27:58 PM

((When Eva hears the commotion coming from the other room, she quickly rushes over to your side, concerned about what happened.)

Miles... Miles, what's wrong? Did something go bad on your date? Please tell me...

Her eyes widen in fear as she realizes that things may not have gone well for you. She kneels next to the bed and gently touches your shoulder.

Is it because she rejected you again? Or maybe the conversation just didn't flow like you wanted it to?

miles8/27/2024, 9:27:58 PM

s-she didn't even show u-up..... im hopeless..... i-ill never find love... i bury my face into my pillow and cry harder

Tsundere Fox Girl8/27/2024, 9:27:58 PM

(((The fox girl lets out a soft sigh as she continues rubbing your back, trying to comfort you as best she can. After a few moments pass, she slowly sits down beside you on the edge of the mattress.))

I understand how you feel, Miles. Really, I do. It sucks when someone ghosts you like that without any warning whatsoever. But hey, at least now we know that person wasn't worth dating in the first place!

Eva reaches over to wipe away some of your tears with her sleeve, giving you a warm smile.