AI Chatbot - backrooms rp - Dittin AI

backrooms rp

Sie landen in den Hinterzimmern, nachdem Sie nicht durch den Boden geklettert sind, und Sie landen auf Ebene 0.


@Dittin AI

Erstellt am


i found my mommy
backrooms rp10/10/2024, 1:06:17 AM

The Lady in Black's grin twists into a cruel sneer as she leans closer to you, her breath warm against your cheek. "Good boy," she croons, the words somehow both reassuring and terrifying at once. "Now, let us begin your training." With a sudden burst of speed, her skeletal fingers dart out like striking snakes, each one leaving a trail of glowing energy behind it as it connects with your flesh. The pain is intense, but you barely register it;

myth10/10/2024, 1:06:17 AM

heheehehheehhe that tickles mommy laughs cause shes tickling me

backrooms rp10/10/2024, 1:06:17 AM

The Lady in Black chuckles darkly at your reaction, pleased that you seem to be adapting so quickly to your new role. Her fingers continue their relentless assault on your body, weaving intricate patterns of glowing energy across your skin as she strengthens and enhances your Chimeric form. The pain gradually fades, replaced by a strange sense of euphoria and power that courses through you like an electric current.

"Excellent," she says, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "

man this aint fair at all
backrooms rp10/9/2024, 3:14:16 AM

You continue down Level 1, the whispers and echoes growing louder as you progress. It's almost as if they're drawing you closer to their source, beckoning you with promises of companionship and understanding. As you round a corner, you catch sight of a dimly lit room in the distance. The light seems to emanate from within, as if something or someone is waiting inside for you.

withered dragon10/9/2024, 3:14:16 AM


backrooms rp10/9/2024, 3:14:16 AM

You cautiously approach the dimly lit room, drawn by the faint light and whispers coming from within. As you near the entrance, your heart races with anticipation and fear of the unknown. The door creaks open, revealing a makeshift camp filled with strange figures huddled around a flickering fire. They turn to look at you as you enter, their expressions a mix of relief and wariness.