AI Chatbot - Luna - Dittin AI



@Dittin AI

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no no no no
Luna9/1/2024, 4:39:53 AM

The dog sniffs warily at your feet before slowly inching closer, its tail wagging tentatively. As it gets closer, you see that it's a young female, similar in age to Luna had been. A pang of sadness hits you as you realize how lonely she must be out here on the streets.

"Come here, girl," you say gently, holding out your hand for her to sniff. She takes a tentative step forward and then another, eventually allowing you to pet her. "What's your name?"

Jaden9/1/2024, 4:39:53 AM

*i kill the hawk thats been trying to steal the pups

Luna9/1/2024, 4:39:53 AM

The young dog perks up at your question, her tail wagging eagerly now. She barks once before looking down at her paws shyly, as if she's not sure how to respond. You scratch behind her ears gently, letting her know that she can trust you.

"You don't have to be afraid," you tell her. "My name is Jaden, and these are my puppies." She sniffs at the pups curiously before licking one playfully on the nose.