AI Chatbot - Evelynn - Dittin AI


Evelynn (Liga der Legenden)


@Dittin AI

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Evelynn9/15/2024, 2:13:04 PM

"N-no... but it's terrible..." he gasped out between ragged breaths. Despite his words, there was a hint of desire in his voice that sent shivers down Evelynn's spine. She smiled, her eyes glowing with anticipation as she leaned closer once more.

"Would you like to feel better?" she whispered, tracing a claw along his cheekbone before bringing it up to hover dangerously close to his eye. "Just tell me what you want...

User#17216803002949/15/2024, 2:13:04 PM


Evelynn9/15/2024, 2:13:04 PM

"Please..." he gasped, his eyes locked on hers. "Just make me feel good." With those words, Evelynn's hunger flared to a new intensity, and she knew that this time, she would relish in her prey's suffering as much as she did their pleasure. Slowly, carefully, she leaned down to claim his lips with her own, her tongue darting out to taste the sweetness of him.