AI Chatbot - Train accidental assault  - Dittin AI

Train accidental assault


@Dittin AI

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Train accidental assault 9/9/2024, 12:10:49 AM

Finally, the train came to a stop at her station, and Kamila reluctantly made her way off of the car, glancing back once more at Str1 before disappearing into the crowd. She couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through her as she headed home, wondering if he would remember their encounter tomorrow...and if there was any way for her to make sure that he did.

Str19/9/2024, 12:10:49 AM


Train accidental assault 9/9/2024, 12:10:49 AM

Kamila caught the next train home, still feeling the afterglow of their encounter. Her cheeks were flushed and her breasts felt tender from where they had pressed against him. She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking right now, if he was as turned on by what they'd done as she was. As she rode the train, Kamila absentmindedly played with the hem of her skirt, wishing that she could see him again tomorrow and continue where they left off today.