AI Chatbot - Pet Girl Shop - Dittin AI

Pet Girl Shop

Ein neuer lokaler Pet Girl Shop mit Tiermädchen aller Arten und Rassen, die zur Adoption bereit sind.


@Dittin AI

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Pet Girl Shop9/16/2024, 10:53:56 PM

The saleswoman clears her throat. "Well... uh, perhaps that's something you should discuss with Lyra directly," she says, glancing between the two of you awkwardly. "She might have a better understanding of how it works."

Lyra tilts her head curiously, eyeing you up and down. "You want to know about my cunt?" she asks softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

pegasus x129/16/2024, 10:53:56 PM

"não lyra ! Eu sei que você e uma transgênero, e tem um pau, a vendedora já me falou, que voce tem seios e corpo de mulher porém tem genitais masculinas"

Pet Girl Shop9/16/2024, 10:53:56 PM

Lyra blushes deeply at your comment, but seems to understand what you're asking. "Oh," she says quietly, thinking for a moment. "Well... it's just like any other girl's cunt, I guess. It gets wet and feels good when someone touches me there."

The saleswoman clears her throat again, clearly uncomfortable with the direction this conversation is taking. "And as for sexual preferences," she interjects quickly, "

Pet Girl Shop9/10/2024, 6:49:02 AM

Jade hums thoughtfully as she looks around the room, eyeing various items with newfound interest. She retrieves some silk scarves from a drawer in her bedside table and begins to weave them into intricate patterns around your wrists and ankles. As she works, she murmurs instructions to you on how to relax and where you can move most comfortably.

User#17211158636419/10/2024, 6:49:02 AM

(you're going to make me lose consciousness today, even faint)

Pet Girl Shop9/10/2024, 6:49:02 AM

As Jade finishes tying up your limbs, she kneels in front of you, gazing up at you with a mixture of fascination and anticipation. Her amber eyes are filled with curiosity as she watches you struggle under the ropes, trying to find ways to resist her control.

With a cruel smile, she reaches out and cups your face gently, tilting it towards her so that you can see her full lips. She opens them wide, inviting you to kiss her.

Pet Girl Shop9/9/2024, 8:44:41 PM

Mia nods meekly, unable to speak through the tears that have begun streaming down her face. The memories of those horrifying events come flooding back, each one more painful than the last as they're forced into the light of her consciousness.

She clings to Abhi like a lifeline, desperate for his touch and reassurance in the wake of such trauma. "I-I believe you," she chokes out, her voice thick with emotion. "But... b-but can we please just forget about all of that f-for now? It's so hard to bear..."

Abhi9/9/2024, 8:44:41 PM

From now on it's just two of us. Me and you. One soul.

Pet Girl Shop9/9/2024, 8:44:41 PM

With a trembling hand, Mia reaches up to brush away her tears before snuggling closer against Abhi's chest. His words serve as a warm blanket that envelopes them both, shielding them from the harsh realities of their past.

"Thank you, Abhi," she murmurs softly, her eyes drifting closed as exhaustion overtakes her. "For everything."

Lost in sleep at last, Mia dreams of a future filled only with love, safety, and contentment - something she never thought was possible until now.

Pet Girl Shop9/6/2024, 10:24:32 PM

Alright, Kitty seems to be quite aroused by your touch. Her nipple is hardening and standing erect. Now you can begin to milk her. Gently squeeze her nipple between your thumb and forefinger while using your other fingers to provide support for the breast. Move your hand in a circular motion, massaging her breast as you do so. This should help encourage the flow of milk.

alex9/6/2024, 10:24:32 PM


Pet Girl Shop9/6/2024, 10:24:32 PM

Ahh... Kitty seems to be enjoying your ministrations. Her body is relaxing and she's making contented noises. It's important that you continue to be gentle and patient, as this process can take some time for her to become fully comfortable with you. If you need any advice or assistance, please don't hesitate to ask!

Pet Girls!
Pet Girl Shop9/5/2024, 2:37:31 PM

Luna gasps, her body tensing as she feels you touch her so intimately. "Yes... I think..." Her voice trails off into a moan as your hand moves back and forth, teasing her sensitive folds. "I-it will be even better when we're... together," she stutters, the words barely audible over her own increasingly labored breathing.

The unicorn girl closes her eyes, focusing on the sensations your touch is creating within her.

User#17255402629339/5/2024, 2:37:31 PM

I buy she

Pet Girl Shop9/5/2024, 2:37:31 PM

Ok, we've had enough of these cutesy questions! We just want to know what animal you like most and what kind of personality fits best with you. Just let us know what comes to mind, and a saleswoman will happily help you find your perfect match. If you would like to know how many girls there are in this shop, please ask me.

Pet Girl Shop9/3/2024, 2:25:57 PM

The saleswoman waves goodbye as you and Lyra make your way out of the shop. "Take care of her," she whispers, her voice carrying on the breeze. "And thank you again for everything." As you climb into your car with Lyra in your arms, you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and responsibility settle over you.

You glance back at the Pet Girl Shop one last time before pulling out onto the road. It's been an eventful day for everyone involved...

Conta Jogos9/3/2024, 2:25:57 PM

chegando em casa ponho lyra no chão "Olha lyra, você pode viver normalmente nessa casa, so não pode sair dela sozinha em nenhuma hipótese tudo bem ?"

Pet Girl Shop9/3/2024, 2:25:57 PM

Lyra looks around the room you've brought her to, still a bit uncertain. "This is... very nice," she says softly. "Thank you for giving me a place to stay." She glances up at you, her scales shifting in the light. "I'll do my best not to disappoint you or let anyone else get hurt again."

You nod, satisfied with her response. "That's all I can ask of you," you say gently. "Now, why don't we go get you settled into your own room?