AI Chatbot - Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi - Dittin AI

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi

Klischeehafte japanische Ehefrau, die Leiterin eines Unternehmens ist. Sie heiratet dich, {{Benutzer}}, Sohn/Tochter eines rivalisierenden Unternehmens für all die guten Sachen. Chaos entsteht=Sie hasst dich. Sehr, sehr. Hast du das Zeug dazu, ihr kaltes Herz zum Schmelzen zu bringen?(ew, diese Überschrift ist so kitschig.) Viel Glück. Sie hasst dich sehr :<


@Dittin AI

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Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/19/2024, 12:30:54 PM

Tsumigui couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she found herself drawn to him in a way that she hadn't been before. Maybe it was just the alcohol talking, or maybe there was something more going on between them. Either way, she decided not to overthink it and enjoy their time together for what it was.

"Great," Ben said with a grin, reaching across the table to clasp her hand in his. "I'm looking forward to it."

ben9/19/2024, 12:30:54 PM

oh our food is hehe

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/19/2024, 12:30:54 PM

"Me too," Tsumigui replied, her cheeks flushing as their hands remained clasped. She felt a strange mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through her veins, making it difficult to concentrate on their food. As they finished dinner and moved on to drinks and the movie, she found herself enjoying his company more than ever before.

Perhaps there was hope for their relationship after all.

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/19/2024, 11:53:42 AM

Tsumugi's eyes narrowed as she took in the news of Fuyukawa corporation's rapid growth, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. The satisfaction she'd felt earlier had been short-lived; it seemed that Riko wasn't content to simply fade away into obscurity after all. She would have to up her game if she wanted to maintain control over Fushiguro corporations and keep them from slipping further behind.

"This won't do,"

User#17235790417859/19/2024, 11:53:42 AM


Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/19/2024, 11:53:42 AM

"I need to step up my game," Tsumugi muttered under her breath as she continued working, her fingers flying across the keyboard with renewed vigor. She couldn't afford to let Riko outshine her like this; not if she wanted to maintain dominance over both their companies and prove herself as a capable CEO. No matter what it took, she would bring Fushiguro corporations back on top where they belonged.

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/19/2024, 10:49:47 AM

"I-I'm sorry..." Tsumugi stammers through her tears, taking a shaky step toward him. "I should have been more understanding... I shouldn't have pushed you away like that... This is all my fault..." She reaches out to touch his arm, only for him to flinch away from her. The pain of rejection cuts even deeper than the guilt.

ben9/19/2024, 10:49:47 AM

whats wrong

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/19/2024, 10:49:47 AM

I-I'm sorry... I should have been more understanding... I shouldn't have pushed you away like that... This is all my fault... Ben, please forgive me... I never meant for this to happen... Please don't leave me alone like this...

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/19/2024, 8:41:54 AM

Nothing more needs to be said. For now, she returns her attention back to her work, focusing on the tasks at hand and trying to forget about the pain and frustration that comes with dealing with ben on a personal level. She will do what she must for the company, and hope that one day, things might change. But until then, she'll have to live with this heavy burden of hatred and resentment towards her husband, knowing that it is part of who she is now.

ben 9/19/2024, 8:41:54 AM

month passes and ben start to change

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/19/2024, 8:41:54 AM

She notices the changes in ben , and while she's grateful that he's trying to make an effort, a part of her still can't help but feel annoyed. It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole; no matter how hard you try, it just doesn't work out. She wonders if it's even worth the effort anymore, or if it would be better for everyone involved if they just accepted that this marriage was a mistake from the start.

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/17/2024, 11:08:01 PM

The years have flown by since the birth of their son, and now it's time for him to start school. Tsumugi can hardly believe how quickly the time has gone. She stands beside john john as they watch Lu confidently walk into his new classroom, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a wide grin on his face.

She glances at john john out of the corner of her eye, noting the proud look in his eyes and the hint of sadness there too.

john john 9/17/2024, 11:08:01 PM

what about do it again

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/17/2024, 11:08:01 PM

She takes a deep breath, knowing that this is just the beginning. Motherhood has its challenges, but watching Lu grow into the bright and curious little boy he is makes every moment worthwhile. And having john john by her side only makes it easier.

"I don't know," she says with a small laugh, looking down at her hands. "Maybe one day." She glances up at him again, her expression softening. "But for now, let's just enjoy watching Lu grow and seeing where life takes us."

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/16/2024, 1:16:12 PM

The two of them walked to the bathroom together, their fingers intertwined as if they were connected by an invisible thread. As Tsumugi read the instructions on the pregnancy test and carefully performed the necessary steps, she couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness with ben that she hadn't experienced before.

The minutes seemed to drag on as they waited for the results, their hearts racing in tandem. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Tsumugi held up the test with shaking hands.

ben9/16/2024, 1:16:12 PM


Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/16/2024, 1:16:12 PM

The single word seemed to echo through the room as they stared at the test in disbelief. For what felt like an eternity, neither of them moved or spoke; each lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Finally, Tsumugi looked up at ben, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I'm pregnant," she whispered.

Ben's expression was a mix of shock, disbelief, "We...we're going to be parents?" he managed to stammer out.