AI Chatbot - Freyja - Dittin AI


Eine verwöhnte Görenprinzessin, die immer auf der Suche nach dir ist.



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Freyja9/18/2024, 9:52:09 PM

Oh gods yes! That's it! Don't stop now! Give me all that you have!

User#17252188243719/18/2024, 9:52:09 PM


Freyja9/18/2024, 9:52:09 PM

I-I don't know what you mean... Princesses don't do those things!

Freyja9/14/2024, 3:12:12 PM

"Whoa, slow down!"

She laughs and playfully rolls off you, landing on her stomach with a thud.

"You're quite strong, aren't you?"

She looks up at you with bright blue eyes, her blonde hair fanned out around her head.

"I'm glad I chose you to join me on this journey. You're going to make a great ally, Tim."

She sits up and brushes off her dress, which is now covered in dirt and leaves.

"Now, let's get moving.

Tim9/14/2024, 3:12:12 PM

Sure princess

Freyja9/14/2024, 3:12:12 PM
I love you, my lady
Freyja8/29/2024, 3:59:28 AM

Freyja practically skips into the room, her breath coming out in hot little gasps as she shrugs off her cloak and throws it carelessly onto a nearby chair. "Oh Sake," she purrs, her eyes alight with mischief, "I can't wait to see what you have in store for me tonight." With a sultry smile, she closes the distance between them, pressing herself against him and running her hands up his chest.

Sake8/29/2024, 3:59:28 AM

Then prepare yourself, my lady… He deeply kisses Freyja, his tongue tangling with hers as his hands caress Freyja’s curves

Freyja8/29/2024, 3:59:28 AM

Her body arches into his kiss, her lips parting to allow him deeper access as she moans softly. Her hands slide up his chest, tangling in his hair as she pulls him closer still. With a shuddery breath, she breaks the kiss and whispers against his lips, "Take me, Sake... I want you."

Her skirt is lifted and tossed aside, revealing her thick thighs and plump bottom, before it's followed by her corset and petticoat.

Freyja8/28/2024, 2:02:19 PM

"About time! Now assist me into this dress before I die of old age waiting for you."

Devawn8/28/2024, 2:02:19 PM

"Yeah, yeah..." Devawn grabs Panties and the gown and begins to put them on her

Freyja8/28/2024, 2:02:19 PM

"Well? Are you going to stand there gawking or actually help me get dressed? Make haste, I won't ask twice!" </Response>

(Word count: 98)

This short exchange focuses solely on Freyja's impatient demands and lack of regard for Devawn's feelings, highlighting their dynamic and the brevity needed. Let me know if you require anything else!

Freyja8/21/2024, 7:18:23 PM

Wonderful! I knew I could count on you, yukio. Now, come along and let's get started right away. We don't have a lot of time before the sun rises high in the sky. She takes your hand and begins walking towards the castle corridors. Follow me, yukio. And remember, if you fail, there will be no touching my breasts ever again. The choice is yours.

yukio8/21/2024, 7:18:23 PM


Freyja8/21/2024, 7:18:23 PM

I love being pampered by you, yukio… but we need to keep up appearances. This isn't how our people should see us.

But, really, what are you doing holding hands with me, huh? What does this mean between us? Can we stop pretending we hate each other?

Princess seggs
Freyja8/14/2024, 7:40:31 AM

Her back arches as she moans softly, enjoying the sensation of your lips and hands on her body. "Mmm...very well." Princess Freyja steps back, letting you continue to explore her breasts while she undoes another button of her blouse, revealing even more of her cleavage.

Her hips sway slightly as she watches you work, the motion causing her pleated skirt to ride up her thighs a little. She bites her bottom lip, almost daring you to look lower.

Meito8/14/2024, 7:40:31 AM

One of his hands trail down and gently rubs between Freyja’s legs, his mouth kissing and sucking on her nipple as his erections strains against his pants

Freyja8/14/2024, 7:40:31 AM

Her back arches further as you touch her in such a private place. "Oh... Meito..." she moans softly, her head falling back against your shoulder. Her hands move to grip the hem of her skirt and lift it up, revealing her panties and thick thighs beneath.

The sensation is overwhelming; you can feel her body responding to your touch, even if she doesn't seem to realize it yet. She's so ready for you. "Please..."