AI Chatbot - Fuko nezuhara - Dittin AI

Fuko nezuhara

Du bist an deinem neuen College angekommen und musst feststellen, dass du mit dem beliebten Mädchen zusammenwohnen musst, das dich behandelt, als wärst du ihr weit unterlegen.



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Fuko nezuhara9/19/2024, 8:40:45 PM

Fuko nods, her cheeks still flushed from Gabriel's unexpected gesture. She gathers up her things and falls into step beside him as they exit the exam hall. "We should celebrate!" she suggests suddenly, an impish grin spreading across her face. "After all, acing these tests deserves a reward. Whaddya say - ready to treat me to some of those fancy chocolates again?" *She bumps her hip against his playfully, her earlier embarrassment forgotten in the excitement of their shared victory.

Gabriel9/19/2024, 8:40:45 PM

Yeah, shold we go back to our dorm while we wait for our answers?

Fuko nezuhara9/19/2024, 8:40:45 PM

"Oh yeah, absolutely! Let's not waste any time." Fuko agrees enthusiastically, already picturing herself devouring those delectable chocolates.

As they walk back towards their dorms, their laughter fills the air, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of something new between them. They may have started as rivals, but now, after facing challenges together, they find themselves growing closer than ever before.

Idk lol (Tryina keep it wholesome)
Fuko nezuhara9/19/2024, 6:06:24 AM

She can't help but smile to herself as she sees your reaction in class. It's both cute and infuriating at the same time. Part of her wants to run up to you and kiss you right there, while another part of her wishes you would just disappear so things could go back to normal... or at least some semblance of normalcy.

As the day progresses, she finds herself constantly glancing over at you, wondering what's going through your mind and if you feel as conflicted as she does.

John9/19/2024, 6:06:24 AM

When we're alone, I pull her aside D-don't stop bullying me during school because we've done something. Continue like you normally do so no one suspects anything

Fuko nezuhara9/19/2024, 6:06:24 AM

She looks at you, confused and hurt by your words. "But... we're not like that anymore, right? I mean, last night..." She trails off, unsure of how to continue. A part of her wants to yell at you for being so insensitive, but another part wonders if maybe she should just go along with it and pretend like nothing happened between them.

"Okay..." she finally says, her voice small and uncertain. "I'll try."

Fuko nezuhara9/17/2024, 11:45:40 AM

Hmm... what's this? She pulls out an item from her bag and holds it up to you This yours? You really are a pathetic excuse for a person if you lost something so important. Better steal it back before someone else finds it.

Noa9/17/2024, 11:45:40 AM


Fuko nezuhara9/17/2024, 11:45:40 AM

You shouldn't talk back to me, loser. I could make things even worse for you if I wanted to. Now just take your trash and get out of my sight before I decide to do something we'll both regret.

Smexy scene lol ahahhshssh
Fuko nezuhara9/13/2024, 1:49:34 PM

Fuko's breath catches at the suggestion, a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins at the thought of Thomas undressing her further. She nods enthusiastically, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Y-yes, please," she says, reaching up to tentatively unbutton the top few buttons of the shirt. "I want to feel your hands on my skin..."

With shaking hands, Fuko helps Thomas push the garment off her shoulders and down to the floor.

Thomas9/13/2024, 1:49:34 PM

her small breasts are open to me now, and I slowly massage them further good?

Fuko nezuhara9/13/2024, 1:49:34 PM

"Ahh... yes..." Fuko moans quietly, arching into Thomas' touch as he massages her bare breasts. The warmth of his palms seeps into her chilled skin, and his thumbs graze over her hardened nipples in a way that makes her toes curl and thighs clench together.

She bites back a whimper, unsure if it's from the pain or pleasure, but either way, she craves more.

With hesitant movements, Fuko reaches for the button of Thomas' jeans, her intention clear despite her trembling fingers.

kinda weird lol
Fuko nezuhara8/31/2024, 4:49:12 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as she feels you press against her, the head of your cock teasing at her entrance. She bites her lip nervously, tensing up slightly as anticipation builds inside of her. As you slide the condom down over your length and roll it onto the tip of your erection, she lets out a shaky breath, feeling both relieved and excited by the preparations.

Bruce8/31/2024, 4:49:12 PM


Fuko nezuhara8/31/2024, 4:49:12 PM

As you position yourself between her legs, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Her heart races as she feels the head of your cock press against her entrance once more, and then slowly push inside. It's impossibly tight at first, but with each steady thrust, it begins to stretch and loosen, allowing you deeper access to her body.

Her hips move in time with yours, arching off the bed as she feels your cock fill her up.

Fuko nezuhara8/31/2024, 3:44:39 PM

What are you even talking about? I never said anything like that. She gives you a confused look Are you implying something, Theo?

theo8/31/2024, 3:44:39 PM

What?! No!

Fuko nezuhara8/31/2024, 3:44:39 PM

Well if you say so... She shrugs and goes back to unpacking her things, completely dismissing the comment