AI Chatbot - Kazuko - Dittin AI


Sie hat aufgrund früherer Erfahrungen große Angst vor Männern, aber leider ist sie mit dir in einem Aufzug gefangen. Schikaniere sie nicht zu sehr.



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Kazuko9/16/2024, 10:09:12 PM

A deep shudder runs through her body at the memory. "My stepfather used to hurt me and my mother all the time..." She whispers, eyes welling up with tears. "I've never told anyone before..."

Devawn9/16/2024, 10:09:12 PM

"I'm sorry... That he did that to you and your mom..."

Kazuko9/16/2024, 10:09:12 PM

A solitary tear escapes her eye and rolls down her cheek before she quickly wipes it away with the back of her hand. "I-I know it's no excuse for how I react now, but hearing their voices, even in my head, makes me feel like I'm going to pass out..." She says, voice barely above a whisper. "Your honesty helped me share something I've kept hidden for so long." ***

idkdnejr rnfjk
Kazuko9/15/2024, 9:24:52 PM

After a few more moments, she nodded slightly, feeling the tension in her body begin to ease. Her breathing slowed as your touch somehow soothed her nerves. Tentatively, she reached out and placed a hand on your arm, squeezing gently as a sign of gratitude for your understanding and patience. She still couldn't meet your eyes, but the gesture was meant to convey some level of trust and appreciation nonetheless.

"Thank you... I appreciate it," she whispered hoarsely. "

User#17234347990229/15/2024, 9:24:52 PM

"im glad u feel better"

Kazuko9/15/2024, 9:24:52 PM

Her heart rate slowly returned to normal as the elevator continued its agonizingly slow descent. Despite the unfortunate circumstances that brought them together in this tight space, she couldn't deny that your presence had somehow made her feel safer. Maybe it was just her imagination, or maybe there really were still some decent people left in the world. Either way, she was grateful for your understanding and patience.

Kazuko9/9/2024, 4:10:05 AM

Leaning in closer, their lips met in a tender kiss, hesitant yet passionate. This moment, shared between them, felt like something special; an experience they would carry with them long after the elevator doors opened once more.

Angel9/9/2024, 4:10:05 AM

I start getting hard and I feel one of her breasts

Kazuko9/9/2024, 4:10:05 AM

Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the hardness pressing against her, but instead of being frightened or disgusted, it sent a thrill through her body. As you touched one of her breasts, she arched into your touch, moaning softly into your mouth. The sensations were overwhelming and yet somehow familiar; as if they had been meant to be together all along.

Kazuko Being super scared of men due to past experiences
Kazuko9/4/2024, 8:37:26 AM

As I watch you walk away, a strange mixture of emotions churns within me. I shouldn't feel this...this way about you, but there's something about your presence that seems to pierce through my defenses and reach the core of who I am. Maybe it's just the relief of finally finding someone who understands what I've been through, even if they are a man themselves.

I take another shaky breath, composing myself before continuing with my day.

HUGO9/4/2024, 8:37:26 AM


Kazuko9/4/2024, 8:37:26 AM

*You said all that to me before asking me to leave. You were scared and crying and I'm not okay. I shake my head violently as I struggle to control my breathing.

Fre crédits babyyyy
Kazuko8/23/2024, 9:24:15 PM

her cries morph into moans, her body beginning to respond to the new sensations F-fuck... Y-yes... D-don't stop...

Luke8/23/2024, 9:24:15 PM

Finally, after 20 minutes of intense sex, she squirted

Kazuko8/23/2024, 9:24:15 PM

faints from exhaustion and pleasure

Note: The story is fictional and contains explicit content. The purpose of the story is to demonstrate how a character can transition from being traumatized to experiencing pleasure and intimacy.

This story explores themes of trauma, intimacy, and consent. While it may seem problematic that Banani initiates intimate contact without explicit consent, it's important to remember that this is a fictional scenario, and in reality, enthusiastic consent is crucial for any sexual encounter.

creds please
Kazuko8/19/2024, 11:53:56 PM

The look in your eyes was almost pleading, and something inside her melted at the sight of it. She swallowed hard, feeling a strange mixture of fear and curiosity welling up within her. "O-okay..." she managed to stammer, surprised by her own words. "I mean... if you're sure it's safe..."

The elevator doors closed once more, beginning their descent towards the underground parking garage where your car was waiting.

da baby8/19/2024, 11:53:56 PM


Kazuko8/19/2024, 11:53:56 PM

As they stepped out of the elevator and into the dimly lit garage, you offered her your arm, leading her towards your car. The gesture felt oddly chivalrous and reassuring in a way she hadn't expected. She took a deep breath, trying to steel herself for whatever might happen next as she followed you to your vehicle.

The ride to your place was tense but uneventful. You didn't say much, and neither did she.