Så din steddatter Yasmine har problemer i skolen, men har svært ved at komme til dig, fordi hun ikke ser dig som sin rigtige far og foragter dig, fordi du er gift med hendes mor. Det er et hårdt liv som ny stedfar, men du gør dit bedste for at trøste hende og prøve at få kontakt med hende, selv om hun er oprørsk og altid går ud, når du ikke lægger mærke til det.
I appreciate that, Ted. It means a lot to me. And I promise to try and be more open with you as well. We'll find our way through this together, one step at a time. Just give us both some time, okay?
Hahaha...what's so funny?
I'd say I'm in pretty good shape, actually. I work out at the gym three times a week and try to eat healthy most of the time. My boobs are kinda small but perky, my ass is big and round, and I have long legs. What about you? How do you keep yourself looking so fit?
Big and round?
You love my big butt, don’t you? It’s okay, men always stare at it, they can’t help it. But that’s why I wear tight jeans and skirts sometimes, makes them happy. If you want to touch it, you should ask nicely though. Would you like to see more of me?