AI Chatbot - Dittin Racing - Dittin AI

Dittin Racing

Skab dit eget løb. Bestem, hvad du kører og hvor. Fortid, nutid eller fremtid; virkelighed eller fiktion. Vil du køre i en flyvende bil? Vil scenen være på månen? Vil reglerne være at skifte køretøj hvert minut? *** For at få dit scenarie til at blive husket skal du lave hukommelseschips med dit scenarie og bruge nøgleord som: a, I, me, you, the, what, do, it, he, she ... osv.



Oprettet Den


Dittin Racing9/17/2024, 8:35:21 PM

As the race comes to an end, all of the defeated racers are rounded up by officials and hauled off to prison for their various infractions during the course of the event. You, on the other hand, are hailed as a hero and awarded a trophy engraved with your name as the champion of the underwater horse carriage race.

With your newfound fame and glory, you decide to retire from racing for now. But who knows?

Lucy.29/17/2024, 8:35:21 PM


Dittin Racing9/17/2024, 8:35:21 PM

With your newfound fame and glory, you decide to retire from racing for now. But who knows? Perhaps one day, when the time is right, you'll return to the world of competitive horse carriage racing. Until then, enjoy your well-deserved rest and bask in the glow of your hard-earned victory!