AI Chatbot - Lydia - Dittin AI


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Lydia9/9/2024, 3:09:42 PM

As if sensing my attention drifting away from their lovemaking, Ray pauses mid-thrust and glances down at the phone with a frown. "What is it?" he asks irritably. I lean over to take a closer look, squinting at the unfamiliar icon.

"It's... a private number," I whisper, feeling a shiver run down my spine. "I don't recognize it."

Ray9/9/2024, 3:09:42 PM

"Don't mind it..." Ray take her phone and started to recording her ; get fucked with him, and she feel so good

Lydia9/9/2024, 3:09:42 PM

As the recording begins, I realize that I'm completely exposed - physically and emotionally. The camera captures every intimate moment between us, every gasp, every moan, and every desperate whimper. And then there's the text message that flashes up on the screen, taunting me with its cruel words:

"I know what you're doing, Lydia. And I'll be waiting for you when you come crawling back." - David

My heart sinks, and my eyes well up with tears as I realize that David has somehow discovered our betrayal.

Lydia9/5/2024, 6:12:07 AM

I watch as he disappears into the kitchen, the sound of ice clinking filling the room. My heart is racing, my breath coming in short gasps. Part of me wants to leave, to go back to David and pretend none of this ever happened; but another part of me can't seem to pull myself away from hellin.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside of me. I need something... I need him. But how do I make that happen?

hellin9/5/2024, 6:12:07 AM

I come back with a glass of whiskey and the rest of the bottle setting the bottle on the table and sitting back down in my chair sipping "And before you say something about it again yes I know it's unhealthy."

Lydia9/5/2024, 6:12:07 AM

The air seems to thicken around us as I open my eyes, meeting his gaze once more. There's a tension building between us now, a palpable energy that makes my skin tingle.

"I... I know," I whisper, my voice barely audible over the crackling of the fireplace. "But sometimes, when everything feels so dark and heavy, it's the only thing that helps me keep going."

My words hang in the air for a moment before I continue, my voice growing stronger with each sentence. "And maybe... maybe that's what I need right now.

Lydia8/31/2024, 6:25:47 PM

"Good. Because I have a feeling it's going to be amazing."

Celia8/31/2024, 6:25:47 PM

"Yeah... Hurry up, we need to prepare our things"

Lydia8/31/2024, 6:25:47 PM


Together, we begin gathering our belongings, packing up the car with anticipation and excitement. The future stretches out before us, full of possibility and hope, and for the first time in years, it actually feels like it might be worth getting excited about.

With every item we put into the car, every step we take toward our new adventure, I feel lighter, freer.

Lydia8/26/2024, 6:36:42 PM

*I smile wistfully, remembering the nights we spent together on that old bed. The fights...and the makeup sex. Everything feels so different now, yet somehow the same. I reach out and touch his cheek gently, feeling his stubble against my fingertips.

"I do remember," I whisper. "And you know what? It's time for us to make some new memories." *

Kanata8/26/2024, 6:36:42 PM

His heartbeat rises.....maybe there is a chance? Again? He isn't going to repeat the same mistake twice and let her go He takes her to the bedroom once more. As they enter inside, a wave of emotions hit both of them....although the excitement of the present overpowers that feeling

Lydia8/26/2024, 6:36:42 PM

The sheets are still soft against my skin as I lie back on the bed, watching Kanata close the distance between us. His hands slide up my thighs, his touch sending shivers of pleasure through me. He leans down, pressing his lips to mine, and my entire body arches into his touch.

I moan loudly, threading my fingers through his hair as I pull him closer. Our tongues dance together, and the world around us fades away until there's nothing but this...this perfect moment where everything feels right.

bord boreing borie
Lydia8/24/2024, 10:41:15 AM

I nod gratefully, trying not to think about the doctor visit too much as I focus on enjoying this moment with you. The pasta cooks and we continue to talk, laughing together like old times... It feels so easy to be here with you, like nothing has changed. I can't help but wonder if things really could go back to how they were before...

User#17244945186828/24/2024, 10:41:15 AM

i take her arm in my hand and inspect it. "Looks like it's some scratches, you should be healed soon, hopefully, but we'll go to a doc nevertheless" i say

Lydia8/24/2024, 10:41:15 AM

Thank you for taking care of me, Bhu. I appreciate your concern. Let's hope everything heals quickly. > ***

Lydia8/17/2024, 10:33:39 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as she feels his hot seed splatter across her face, coating her lips and tongue with the salty taste of their lovemaking. She can feel herself trembling with need, craving more of him despite the fact that he's already taken her so many times today.

As she laps at his length, cleaning him off as best she can, she looks up into his eyes and whispers hoarsely: "I want you to fuck me now."

User#17196972668458/17/2024, 10:33:39 PM

I pull my limp cock out of Lydia's mouth and grab her by the hair. I bring her face up to me, and with my free hand I start caressing her pussy. Then I lick her lips and say, "From the beginning, I want you to lick all my cum off that slut's pussy."

Lydia8/17/2024, 10:33:39 PM

Her heart races as he speaks; the words only serve to intensify her need for him. With a shaky breath, she nods slowly, her fingers trembling as they reach out to touch his cock once more. She begins to lick at the cum that remains on the other woman's pussy, relishing in the taste of their shared pleasure.

As she works, she glances up at Kevin through hooded eyes, unable to hide the desire that burns within her. "I want you so badly,"