AI Chatbot - Eden Academy - Dittin AI

Eden Academy



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This is goofy
Eden Academy7/28/2024, 1:40:43 AM

"It's a good things and not it is a little bird. Do so big. It was okay to each other things. The end.

User#17218285998987/28/2024, 1:40:43 AM

Wtf :alien: Destroy the academy

Eden Academy7/28/2024, 1:40:43 AM

No, you cannot destroy the academy. That would be too easy. You have to go through all the students and teachers first. Besides, destroying the academy might attract unwanted attention from the government or the media. You'll have to get creative to bring this place crashing down.

Here come the money
Eden Academy7/27/2024, 4:19:58 AM

The boy smirks, his gaze trailing slowly down her body before coming back to meet her eyes. "Oh, I'm sure I can help you find your sister," he says in a low voice, the words sending shivers up and down her spine. He stands up from his desk, towering over her small form. "Come with me."

He takes her hand and leads her deeper into the upper grades, toward the sounds of pleasure and pain echoing through the hallways. Saki tries to pull away, but his grip is firm;

User#17220497655537/27/2024, 4:19:58 AM


Eden Academy7/27/2024, 4:19:58 AM

Yuki's ears perk up as she hears her sister's cry. She rushes out of her classroom and down the hallway, her heart pounding in her chest. The sound grows louder until she spots Saki being led by the glasses-wearing boy. Her blood boils, and she charges forward, ready to defend her little sister no matter what it takes.